I’ve made it…
I’ve defined a class by AppWithinMinutes with a numeric property (of type 
In Custom Display field:
{{include document="tryControls.rangeValueSheet" /}}
  #set($range= [5,4,3,2,1])

Important to make sure once the xForm is saved is to use the right naming 
conventions for the radio button's
In the sheet that is included the following code:
  #set($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use("tryControls.rangeValueSheet"))
#macro(displayRange $range)
{{html clean=false}}
    <span class="rating">
    #set($field = $object.getxWikiClass().get($name))
    #set($controlName = $prefix + $name)
    #foreach($rangeValue in $range)
      #set( $countString = $rangeValue - 1 )
      #set($controlID= "xwiki-form-" + $name + "-0-" + $countString)
      #if($type == 'edit')
        ## In EDIT mode the user selection can be changed
        #if($value == $rangeValue)
         <input type="radio" id="$controlID" name="$controlName" 
value="$rangeValue" checked="checked"/>
         <input type="radio" id="$controlID" name="$controlName" 
value="$rangeValue" />
       ## In VIEW mode the user selection can not be changed
       ## set control disabled
       #if($value == $rangeValue)
         <input type="radio" id="$controlID" name="$controlName" 
value="$rangeValue" disabled checked="checked"/>
         <input type="radio" id="$controlID" name="$controlName" 
value="$rangeValue" disabled/>
     <label for="$controlID">$rangeValue</label>
    No Value known, macro not used in context of a class value

Please review my naming…

Op 26 jun. 2014, om 10:44 heeft Gerritjan Koekkoek 
<gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> het volgende geschreven:

> Hi,
> Thanks a lot Marius, i’ve made a lot of progress…
> I now have a ‘Star rating’ based on a numeric field, type integer, min-value 
> 1 max value of 5 
> In the custom display I have the following code:
> {{velocity}}
>  #set($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use("tryControls.rangeValueSheet"))
> {{html clean=false}}
> <fieldset>
>    <legend>Score</legend>
> <span class="rating">
> #if($type == 'edit')
>    #set($discard = $xwiki.jsfx.use("tryControls.rangeValueSheet"))
>    #if($value == 5)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-5" name="rating" value="5" 
> checked="checked" />
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-5" name="rating" value="5" />
>    #end
> <label for="rating-5">5</label>
>    #if($value == 4)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-4" name="rating" value="4" 
> checked="checked" />
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-4" name="rating" value="4" />
>    #end
> <label for="rating-4">4</label>
>    #if($value == 3)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-3" name="rating" value="3" 
> checked="checked"/>
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-3" name="rating" value="3" />
>    #end
> <label for="rating-3">3</label>
>   #if($value == 2)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-2" name="rating" value="2" 
> checked="checked"/>
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-2" name="rating" value="2" />
>    #end
> <label for="rating-2">2</label>
>    #if($value == 1)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-1" name="rating" value="1" 
> checked="checked"/>
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-1" name="rating" value="1" />
>    #end
> <label for="rating-1">1</label>
> #else
>    #if($value == 5)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-5" name="rating" value="5" disabled 
> checked="checked" />
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-5" name="rating" value="5" disabled/>
>    #end
> <label for="rating-5">5</label>
>    #if($value == 4)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-4" name="rating" value="4" disabled 
> checked="checked" />
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-4" name="rating" value="4" disabled/>
>    #end
> <label for="rating-4">4</label>
>    #if($value == 3)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-3" name="rating" value="3" disabled 
> checked="checked"/>
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-3" name="rating" value="3" disabled/>
>    #end
> <label for="rating-3">3</label>
>    #if($value == 2)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-2" name="rating" value="2" disabled 
> checked="checked"/>
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-2" name="rating" value="2" disabled/>
>    #end
> <label for="rating-2">2</label>
>    #if($value == 1)
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-1" name="rating" value="1" disabled 
> checked="checked"/>
>    #else
>     <input type="radio" id="rating-1" name="rating" value="1" disabled/>
>    #end
> <label for="rating-1">1</label>
> #end
>    </span>
> </fieldset>
> {{/html}}
> {{/velocity}}
> I feel the code can be ‘shortened’ significantly? Suggestions on how?
> As you could see numeric value is displayed by radio button’s So if $value = 
> 3 the third button is Checked.
> To make it look like a star rating I added a CSS extension sheet: (from 
> http://lea.verou.me/2011/08/accessible-star-rating-widget-with-pure-css/)
> .rating {
>    float:left;
> }
> /* :not(:checked) is a filter, so that browsers that don’t support :checked 
> don’t 
>   follow these rules. Every browser that supports :checked also supports 
> :not(), so
>   it doesn’t make the test unnecessarily selective */
> .rating:not(:checked) > input {
>    position:absolute;
>    top:-9999px;
>    clip:rect(0,0,0,0);
> }
> .rating:not(:checked) > label {
>    float:right;
>    width:1em;
>    padding:0 .1em;
>    overflow:hidden;
>    white-space:nowrap;
>    cursor:pointer;
>    font-size:200%;
>    line-height:1.2;
>    color:#ddd;
>    text-shadow:1px 1px #bbb, 2px 2px #666, .1em .1em .2em rgba(0,0,0,.5);
> }
> .rating:not(:checked) > label:before {
>    content: '★ ';
> }
> .rating > input:checked ~ label {
>    color: #f70;
>    text-shadow:1px 1px #c60, 2px 2px #940, .1em .1em .2em rgba(0,0,0,.5);
> }
> .rating:not(:checked) > label:hover,
> .rating:not(:checked) > label:hover ~ label {
>    color: gold;
>    text-shadow:1px 1px goldenrod, 2px 2px #B57340, .1em .1em .2em 
> rgba(0,0,0,.5);
> }
> .rating > input:checked + label:hover,
> .rating > input:checked + label:hover ~ label,
> .rating > input:checked ~ label:hover,
> .rating > input:checked ~ label:hover ~ label,
> .rating > label:hover ~ input:checked ~ label {
>    color: #ea0;
>    text-shadow:1px 1px goldenrod, 2px 2px #B57340, .1em .1em .2em 
> rgba(0,0,0,.5);
> }
> .rating > label:active {
>    position:relative;
>    top:2px;
>    left:2px;
> }
> But my remaining problem is to SAVE the selected number? I have a record with 
> a value of 4, so a 4-star rating is selected and displayed perfectly.
> If I select INLINE EDIT i’m able to SELECT 2 STARS (or any other), but as 
> soon as I SAVE the 4 star rating is still there.
> How is this best done?
> Op 19 jun. 2014, om 09:24 heeft Marius Dumitru Florea 
> <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> het volgende geschreven:
>> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek
>> <gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Op 17 jun. 2014, om 07:59 heeft Marius Dumitru Florea 
>>> <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> het volgende geschreven:
>>>> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Gerritjan Koekkoek
>>>> <gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Yes, this surely helps but i fail to get it work as I hope it can.
>>>>> I have generated a app with App Within Minutes.
>>>>> In the sheet there is a construct like this:
>>>>> {{velocity}}
>>>>> {{html wiki="true"}}
>>>>> #set ($discard = $doc.use('TestStarRating.TestStarRatingClass'))
>>>>> #set ($discard = $services.localization.use('document', 
>>>>> 'TestStarRating.TestStarRatingTranslations'))
>>>>> (% class="xform" %)
>>>>> (((
>>>>> ; <label 
>>>>> for="TestStarRating.TestStarRatingClass_0_Rating">$escapetool.xml($doc.displayPrettyName('Rating',
>>>>>  false, false))</label>
>>>>> : $doc.display('Rating')
>>>>> )))
>>>>> {{/html}}
>>>>> {{/velocity}}
>>>>> :$doc.display(‘Rating’) is ‘smart’ as it knows when in ‘View’ and ‘Edit’ 
>>>>> mode.
>>>>> If I would go to the class and modify Custom Display
>>>>> How can I keep the ‘smartness’ of $doc.display?
>>>> Have you really looked at the code of the existing custom displayers
>>>> found on extensions.xwiki.org ? i.e. did you download the source XAR
>>>> and imported it in your wiki to check the code? It doesn't seem so,
>>>> because you would have seen something like:
>>>> #if ($type == 'edit’)
>>> Yes, have looked at it and this is what puzzles me…
>>> In the generated sheet code from app-within minutes there is no notion of 
>>> this…
>>> I think basically my question is:
>>> If I keep $doc.display(‘rating’) in the sheet
>>> And build a IF then else for different behavior in View and Edit mode…will 
>>> this work?
>> If it works for the custom displayers published on
>> extensions.xwiki.org then it should work for you too. Have you tried
>> to use one of them? You don't have to do anything in the sheet except
>> calling $doc.display('propertyThatHasACustomDisplayer') . There are a
>> couple of Velocity variables available to the code of the custom
>> displayer. $type is one of them. Check the code of existing custom
>> displayers for the rest (if you don't see any #set for a variable then
>> it means it's predefined).
>>> Or do I need to replace in the sheet $doc.display(‘rating’) with something 
>>> else.
>>> In the sheet I know I can get the ‘old’ value (if any) and display it since 
>>> I have the context of $doc
>>> In the Class i’m not knowing to what context variable I should refer to 
>>> present the old value?
>>> Does my question/struggle make sense?
>>>>> I have the feeling that a velocity script in the custom display does not 
>>>>> have notion of $doc? Or can I use this context variable?
>>>>> The important change I want to achieve is change the ‘radio button’ 
>>>>> behavior’ in a star-rating behavior.
>>>>> Important is that this should stay visible in Read-mode as the numeric 
>>>>> result 3 is less informative as seeing three stars.
>>>>> I’m inspired by this code:
>>>>> http://codepen.io/lsirivong/pen/ekBxI
>>>>> It uses CSS to style radiobuttons as star rating (and a small javascript)
>>>>> But it requires radiobuttons to stay visible in view mode…
>>>>> Op 10 jun. 2014, om 14:33 heeft Marius Dumitru Florea 
>>>>> <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>> I don't think there is a documentation unfortunately, but there are 3
>>>>>> examples on 
>>>>>> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome#|t=extensions&p=1&l=30&s=doc.creationDate&d=desc&name=custom+display
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>> Marius
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 11:06 AM, Gerritjan Koekkoek
>>>>>> <gerritjankoekk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>> We are trying to develop questionnaires within xwiki.
>>>>>>> In order to get clear answers from people we prefer static lists above 
>>>>>>> text
>>>>>>> fields which would be more difficult to analyze.
>>>>>>> As a approach we start with appWithinMinutes and add attributes of type
>>>>>>> static list
>>>>>>> Use case 1:
>>>>>>> When we want the user to select one of a limited set of options we 
>>>>>>> typical
>>>>>>> use radio button as input control.
>>>>>>> In edit mode this works fine.
>>>>>>> But in collaborative mode this does not work very well for us.
>>>>>>> What we mean by collaborative mode?
>>>>>>> We have patients discussing the questionnaire with the expert.
>>>>>>> Over the internet they both look at the page which holds the 
>>>>>>> questionnaire
>>>>>>> already completed by the patient...
>>>>>>> But since default XWiki is showing only the value selected discussions
>>>>>>> about why the patient chose the one option above the other are too
>>>>>>> difficult.
>>>>>>> We would like the radiobuttons view in edit mode, but disabled for
>>>>>>> modification; especially since in view mode changing the elected 
>>>>>>> option...
>>>>>>> Would it be possible to modify the class and add something in the 
>>>>>>> "Custom
>>>>>>> Display"?
>>>>>>> Is there a useful document on how the custom display option for classes
>>>>>>> works?
>>>>>>> Use case 2:
>>>>>>> Some questions are of the type "How much would you agree"
>>>>>>> Then the user can select between totally disagree, somewhat disagree,
>>>>>>> neutral, somewhat agree totally agree.
>>>>>>> We have now selected a static list with 5 options labeled as above...
>>>>>>> But on the internet we often see sliders that can be put in 5 positions
>>>>>>> (from left to right or from top to bottom)
>>>>>>> Would it be possible to use such sliders via Custom Display. As a base
>>>>>>> attribute we would then probably switch from static list to a numeric 
>>>>>>> field
>>>>>>> holding the value of the slider.
>>>>>>> Same as in use case 1; can we also show the slider disabled in
>>>>>>> 'collaborative mode'
>>>>>>> Many thanks for suggestions or links to documents that describe the 
>>>>>>> 'custom
>>>>>>> display'
>>>>>>> Gerritjan
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