On 29 Aug 2014 at 14:30:52, vinc...@massol.net 
(vinc...@massol.net(mailto:vinc...@massol.net)) wrote:

> Ok so far we have the following persons interested:
> - Patrick Moens
> - Josef Haimerl
> - Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar
> - Pascal Bastien
> - myself (Vincent Massol)
> Anyone else?  
> In term of format I’m thinking about one of:  
> - 1/2 day Discussions/Presentations + 1.5 days of Hackathon 

My idea with these 2 days was that everyone could decide:
- just to participate to the Discussions/Presentations (1/2 day)
- participate to the Discussions/Presentations + do only 1/2 day of hackathon 
on some smaller topics (1 day total)
- or do the full monty (1/2 day Discussions/Presentations + 1.5 day hackathon)

Since some people may not be able to stay overnight I thought it would be an 
interesting option.

Note that we have some spaces for sleeping at the XWiki office and it’s 
possible that some xwikiers living in Paris could host some people.


> - 1 day of Discussions/Presentations
> - 1 day of Hackathon
> - 2 days of Hackathon
> - 1/2 day of Discussions/Presentations
> Any other idea?  
> Once we have all ideas listed, I’ll send a doodle to decide on the format + 
> decide on the date.  
> Thanks  
> -Vincent
> On 18 Jul 2014 at 21:38:14, vinc...@massol.net 
> (vinc...@massol.net(mailto:vinc...@massol.net)) wrote:
> > Hi XWiki users,
> >  
> > I’m wondering if we’d be enough to start organizing an XWiki users/dev 
> > meetup in France.
> >  
> > Could you let me know in reply if you’d be interested in joining if I was 
> > to organize such a meetup?
> >  
> > If we’re enough we could imagine organizing it in September or October for 
> > example. XWiki SAS has an office located in Paris 
> > (http://www.xwiki.com/lang/en/Company/Contact) and they could host us.
> >  
> > Note for those who’d be coming from afar, I’m sure that it would be 
> > possible to have you sleep at some XWiki SAS employee’s place in Paris or 
> > even in the office (there’s a shower and kitchen).
> >  
> > Interesting or not?
> >  
> > If you’re interested what would you be interested in doing/seeing during 
> > this time? We could imagine a 3-4 hours meetup or even a 1 day meetup. We 
> > could also imagine having a hackathon during the time, in this case 
> > probably 2 days would be nicer.
> >  
> > WDYT?
> >  
> > Thanks
> > -Vincent
> >  
> >  
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