2015-08-27 4:17 GMT-06:00 Manuel Smeria <man...@xwiki.com>:
> I have finished updating the FAQ tutorial.
> You might need to clear your cache (Ctrl + F5 on most browsers) to see the
> updated screenshots.
> I have followed the updated tutorial myself and was able to successfully
> create a FAQ application.

This looks much better, thank you! I was able to successfully complete
the updated tutorial.

About the XWiki data model: It seems that "document" and "page" are
synonyms, and every page has:
- A class definition (a schema for a new type of object, not a schema
for what kinds of objects the page can have)
- A bag of objects
- A string of wikitext
- A parent

Usually a page will not have all of these. For example, a page that
has wikitext should probably not have objects attached to it too. But
it looks like there is nothing to prevent ordinary users from adding
?editor=object to the URL and attaching objects to the page anyway.
Why is it not more restrictive?

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