On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Paul Libbrecht <p...@hoplahup.net> wrote:
> I'm sure others will have better hints, and your log could help, but I'd
> start by stopping the server, restoring the DB backup, then start it up.
> paul
>> shouldbe q931 <mailto:shouldbeq...@gmail.com>
>> 18 décembre 2015 20:05
>> Hi,
>> I'm struggling with migrating a 6.3 .war instance to a Debian
>> APT/package 7.3 instance.
>> I had hoped I would be able to install as per
>> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/InstallationViaAPT
>> choosing the xwiki-enterprise-tomcat7-mysql package, then edit
>> hibernate.cfg.xml to point at the existing (external) MySQL instance
>> hosting the database, then edit server.xml, xwiki.cfg and
>> xwiki.properties to match the previous.
>> The new instance connects, and after editing xwiki.cfg, I can login as
>> superadmin, the previously setup LDAP auth not working), I was
>> expecting to see the xwiki updater run, but it did not, and the top
>> bar of xwiki is empty, it only has the logo on the far left and the
>> three little lines on teh far right under which the only option is
>> logout.
>> Do I need to to do a .war update to get it up to 7.3 before migrating
>> to a Debian APT/package instance ? or is there something that I have
>> missed ?
>> Cheers
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Hi Paul,

I'm fairly sure that none of the standard logs will help me with this
as the tomcat/java side is working correctly, it is the xwiki
application which is not seeing that the db needs to be updated.

I have already stopping tomcat, rolling back to a previous database
snapshot and retrying, but did not see any improvement.

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