On 7 Mar 2016 at 13:55:40, pgregoire 
(pgrego...@eddyfi.com(mailto:pgrego...@eddyfi.com)) wrote:

> Yes,
> I understand it can be handled on the client web-browser side, I was
> wondering if there was some way that on the server side, the wiki server
> could parse the webpage and include the *resulting page* in another web page
> (as opposed to a link to the page), so that to the client, it would look
> like one single webpage, and not one webpage that links another.
> I'm guessing not, it is a pretty specific requirement - on our
> implementation it would just have been a "nice to have" so we can live
> without it.

So you’re asking if an XWiki server (thus located on a server machine) could 
access a file located only locally on another machine? :)

The answer is no and this is not related to XWiki, you just can’t access a file 
from another machine if there’s no remote protocol to access it obviously.

Or maybe I misunderstood something.


> Thank you,
> Phil

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