> On 08 Apr 2016, at 16:28, Matthias Barmeier <matthias.barme...@sourcepark.de> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is really strange look at the error message the H is there :(

Could you provide the following info (same as what I provided in my previous 
- the content where you include the heading section
- the URL of the page containing the heading section to include
- the content of the page containing the heading section 


> Ciao
>    Matze
> Am 08.04.2016 um 09:36 schrieb Vincent Massol:
>>> On 08 Apr 2016, at 09:33, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>>> On 08 Apr 2016, at 09:29, Matthias Barmeier 
>>>> <matthias.barme...@sourcepark.de> wrote:
>>>> Hi Vincent,
>>>> from my point of view the addressed item is a heading. Page and section 
>>>> enytry (Source) to include:
>>>> = Synaptic File Synchronisation Service (FSS) =
>>>> == FFS.properties ==
>>> Then all you’re missing is the “H” ;)
>> Actually you do have the “H”. I’ve tested it locally and it works fine for 
>> me (I’m on 8.1-SNAPSHOT too).
>> Here’s my link:
>> “
>> [[/etc/smd/config/FSS.properties>>Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien||anchor="HFFS.properties"]]
>> {{include reference="Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien.WebHome" 
>> section="HFFS.properties"/}}
>> "
>> Here’s the URL to the page:
>> http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Synaptic/Technik/Konfigurationsdateien/
>> Here’s the content of that page:
>> “
>> zzdz
>> = Synaptic File Synchronisation Service (FSS) =
>> == FFS.properties ==
>> test
>> "
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> See 
>>> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Include+Macro#HParametersdefinition
>>> Use view source of your browser to find the anchor name (just remove the # 
>>> in front).
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
>>>> In dieser Datei wird der File Synchonization Service (FSS) konfiguriert. 
>>>> Dieser ist für die Datei-Donwloads und die Weiterleitung der 
>>>> Datei-Download-Benachrichtigungen an die angeschlossenen Kind-Knoten 
>>>> zuständig.
>>>> This is a section or is a second level heading not a section ?
>>>> Ciao
>>>>    Matze
>>>> Am 08.04.2016 um 09:22 schrieb Vincent Massol:
>>>>> Hi Matthias,
>>>>> The reason it doesn’t work is that right now the {{include}} Macro can 
>>>>> only include Heading sections. I supposed you’re using the {{id}} macro 
>>>>> to generate an anchor and that is not supported by the include macro 
>>>>> right now.
>>>>> If you check the documentation for the include macro you’ll see it says 
>>>>> that section is to include a … section. A section in XWiki markup is the 
>>>>> content that comes just after a Heading.
>>>>> Including what comes after an anchor would be very complex and there 
>>>>> would be no delimitation of beginning and end.
>>>>> So to make it work on your side, you need to refactor your content to use 
>>>>> a heading.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -Vincent
>>>>>> On 08 Apr 2016, at 08:58, Matthias Barmeier 
>>>>>> <matthias.barme...@sourcepark.de> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> @Marius: No that does not work :(
>>>>>> Adding .WebHome leads to the same exception:
>>>>>> org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: Cannot find section 
>>>>>> [HFSS.properties] in document 
>>>>>> [produkte:Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien.WebHome]
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.rendering.internal.macro.include.IncludeMacro.execute(IncludeMacro.java:197)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.rendering.internal.macro.include.IncludeMacro.execute(IncludeMacro.java:55)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.macro.MacroTransformation.transform(MacroTransformation.java:272)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.DefaultRenderingContext.transformInContext(DefaultRenderingContext.java:183)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.rendering.internal.transformation.DefaultTransformationManager.performTransformations(DefaultTransformationManager.java:95)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.display.internal.DocumentContentDisplayer.display(DocumentContentDisplayer.java:263)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.display.internal.DocumentContentDisplayer.display(DocumentContentDisplayer.java:133)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.display.internal.DocumentContentDisplayer.display(DocumentContentDisplayer.java:58)
>>>>>>  at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.display.internal.DefaultDocumentDisplayer.display(DefaultDocumentDisplayer.java:96)
>>>>>> Does anybody has another hint ?
>>>>>> I use XWiki Enterprise 8.1-milestone-1 assuming that this is a stable 
>>>>>> Version.
>>>>>> Ciao
>>>>>>   Matze
>>>>>> Am 07.04.2016 um 18:02 schrieb Marius Dumitru Florea:
>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 6:55 PM, Matthias Barmeier <
>>>>>>> matthias.barme...@sourcepark.de> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I try to embedd a table (in a section) from another wiki page. I tried 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> use the include macro in the following form:
>>>>>>>> {{include reference="Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien"}}
>>>>>>>> The whole document is embedded as expected. After adding the section
>>>>>>>> attribute:
>>>>>>>> {{include reference="Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien"
>>>>>>>> section="HFSS.properties"/}}
>>>>>>> Try with reference="Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien.WebHome" . 
>>>>>>> Does
>>>>>>> it work? See http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-13066
>>>>>>>> I get:
>>>>>>>> Failed to execute the [include] macro. Cause: [Cannot find section
>>>>>>>> [HFSS.properties] in document
>>>>>>>> [produkte:Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien]]. Click on this 
>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>> for details.
>>>>>>>> but the document contains the necessary heading.
>>>>>>>> This link works perfect when added to the document:
>>>>>>>> [[/etc/smd/config/FSS.properties>>Synaptic.Technik.Konfigurationsdateien||anchor="HFFS.properties"]]
>>>>>>> The link reference is handled a bit differently (for the moment) than 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> include reference. See
>>>>>>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWiki80#HLinksyntaximprovementsforNestedPages
>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>> Marius
>>>>>>>> Can any body give me a hint what is wrong ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> Ciao
>>>>>>>>     Matthias
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