Hi Clemens,

first of thanks again. I followed your advice and executed the longish sql
statement - didn't work.
I then removed the relationships between tables and changed the datatype of
the id columns to BIGINT manually by following the exceptions in the log.

So I finally got through that part of the migration. Now I'm stuck with a
new type of error, please see line 162 here http://pastebin.com/YLzwvxmh.

Has somebody ever seen this?

Thank you and best regards

Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar wrote
> Oh, this looks odd.
> The upgrade process first tried to find the name for the primary key; that
> is the statement:
> select @pkname=i.name from sysindexes i join sysobjects o ON i.id = o.id
> join sysobjects pk ON i.name = pk.name AND pk.parent_obj = i.id AND
> pk.xtype = 'PK' join sysindexkeys ik on i.id = ik.id AND i.indid =
> ik.indid join syscolumns c ON ik.id = c.id AND ik.colid = c.colid where
> o.name = 'xwikidates'
> it then gets a result "PK__xwikidates__6FD49106"
> but when it tries to drop this constrain via:
> 'alter table [dbo].[xwikidates] drop constraint ' + @pkname
> it fails with   'PK__xwikidates__6FD49106' is not a constraint. Huh?
> Can you try to run that longish SQL Query from an SQL-console or the like,
> just to see if that returns the same result?
> To proceed the update, maybe it helps to drop the constraint for the
> primary key of the 'xwikidates' table manually and see what the next error
> is, probably there are more PK-constraints with that problem.
> (I hope you have backups, otherwise this is very bad advice ;) )
> Clemens
>> First of all thank you for your answer, Clemens.
>> There a different exceptions in the log-file for executing
>> sql-statements.
>> Please see http://pastebin.com/BFABwpNz.
>> All the errors are in relation to the xwikidates table.
>> Do you have any idea how to fix this?
>> Thanks again and best regards
>> Josef
>> Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar wrote
>>> It seems a DB migration failed; you can find the error in the log file
>>> after startup, above of the messages you posted.
>>> It is likely that it is the statistics migration
>>> You can try the SQL statements from here:
>>>   http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-8129
>>> as found in the release notes of 4.3:
>>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWiki43#HGeneralNotes
>>> If it is not the statistics, please locate the error from the failed
>>> migration
>>> (should be somewhere after the line: "Checking Hibernate mapping and
>>> updating schema if needed for wiki [xwiki]" )
>>> HTH
>>> Clemens
>>> ----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
>>> Von: Jhaimerl
>>> Am:  Tuesday, 28.06.2016, 09:59
>>> An: Xwiki Users
>>> Betreff: [xwiki-users] Can't Upgrade from XWiki 3.5.1
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to upgrade an existing XWiki Instance (V3.5.1). It's running
>>>> with
>>>> a MSSQL database.
>>>> I already tried the following (see referenced links below) and upgrades
>>>> to
>>>> different higher versions of XWiki e.g. 4.x, 5.4.x. However I always
>>>> get
>>>> this exception http://pastebin.com/yeaFQAtt.
>>>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Another-migration-problem-3-5-to-4-1-3-td7580726.html#a7580809
>>>> http://lists.xwiki.org/pipermail/users/2012-August/023537.html
>>>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Failed-migration-from-3-0-to-4-3-1-td7583304.html
>>>> Does somebody have any hints how to solve this?
>>>> Many thanks in advance!
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