I have to admit that I come to the conclusion that an alternative migration 
route might be better, too

The alternative is to export only the "content pages" (or export all, but only 
import the relevant pages later),
and then set up a fresh XWiki of the desired version and import these content 
pages into the new wiki.

If you export and set the Checkbox "with History" enabled, and on import set 
the checkbox "Import as backup package"
you should be able to migrate all relevant information.

If you import the XWiki.XWikiPreferences (what you probably want to do, unless 
you want to carry over all the settings manually)
you will need to restart the XWiki server after the import before the wiki 
administration fully works, as it might be confused by some missing 
preferences-field; the restart will add these missing fields automatically in 
the startup phase.

Maybe do not import the XWiki.DefaultSkin, as this might point to a "base skin" 
that no longer exists in the newest version.

If your wiki has pages in the xwiki/1.0 syntax, you will need to enable that 
syntax in the config (xwiki.rendering.syntaxes in xwiki.cfg), as it is no 
longer enabled by default in the newer versions.

Well, that is all what I can think that could go wrong.  Maybe I missed 
something. However this way of upgrading should at least not run into database 

----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
Von: Jhaimerl
Am:  Tuesday, 26.07.2016, 13:16
An: Xwiki Users
Betreff: Re: [xwiki-users] Can't Upgrade from XWiki 3.5.1

> Yes, sorry I didn't mention that, the SQL script to remove the duplicate ids
> ran successfully, but 0 rows were affected.
> Now I found out: To avoid or pass the liquibase checksum problems, there is
> the possibility to run the following sql statement:
> /update databasechangelog set md5sum=null/
> After that I got even more database update exceptions. Most of them I could
> solve by manually update the database.
> Now I'm stuck again: The database migration manager, wants to create foreign
> keys, but can't, because they already exist. Also by deleting the existing
> foreign keys manually, there still is logged that the key is already used,
> which in fact is right, because it's created by the migration manager. It
> seems like some parts of the migration script runs twice.
> /2016-07-26 12:59:47,331 ERROR [http://localhost:8148/xwiki/bin/view/Main/]
> c.x.x.s.m.liquibase [XWikiLiquibaseLogger.java:103] Change Set
> liquibase.xml::R40000-030::sdumitriu failed.  Error: Error executing SQL
> KEY ([XWF_ID], [XWF_NAME]) REFERENCES [dbo].[xwikiproperties] ([XWP_ID],
> [XWP_NAME]) ON UPDATE CASCADE: There is already an object named
> 'FKFB291FBF1DFF14A1' in the database.
> liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL ALTER TABLE
> [dbo].[xwikifloats] ADD CONSTRAINT [FKFB291FBF1DFF14A1] FOREIGN KEY
> ([XWF_ID], [XWF_NAME]) REFERENCES [dbo].[xwikiproperties] ([XWP_ID],
> [XWP_NAME]) ON UPDATE CASCADE: There is already an object named
> 'FKFB291FBF1DFF14A1' in the database./
> Maybe it makes no sense to continue at this point? Thanks for you help so
> far!
> Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar wrote
>> The next thing that comes to my mind is to rerun the SQL statements needed
>> to purge duplicate ids in the starts,
>> as in
>>   http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-8129
>> I remember I posted this already in the thread, but I cannot see from the
>> thread if you ran them successfully.
>> As far as I understood they did not run without error so far?
>> If you did run them already, then this must be something else ...
>> It looks like the manual changes to the database confused the DB
>> upgraders; that is what the checksum error probably means.
>> Unfortunately I cannot find the place where the "checksums" are stored; I
>> guess the checksum must be updated manually, or some steps skipped
>> manually.
>> Clemens
>> ----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
>> Von: Jhaimerl
>> Am:  Monday, 25.07.2016, 10:57
>> An: XWiki Users
>> Betreff: Re: [xwiki-users] Can't Upgrade from XWiki 3.5.1
>>> Hi Clemens,
>>> tried your advice and checked the installation folder for duplicate
>>> jar-files. Couldn't find any. I also used jwhich.jar for that purpose
>>> without any results. Also I repeated the whole process with different
>>> versions of XWiki (4.0, 4.2).
>>> Still I'm faced by the checksum errors you already mentioned around line
>>> 310.
>>> Any ideas or hints whatelse I could try?
>>> Many thanks and best regards
>>> Josef
>>> Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar wrote
>>>> Hi Josef,
>>>>  there are a lot of messages saying that one component wants to
>>>> overwrite
>>>> another component with the same name, class and priority.
>>>> This usually happens if two XWiki version are unpacked on top of each
>>>> other, so the WEB-INF/lib contains the *.jar for both versions.
>>>> This might cause a lot of other problems, too
>>>> Can you please check if you have some "duplicate" jars in your
>>>> WEB-INF/lib
>>>> directory e.g. both a xwiki-platform-component-script-4.2.jar and a
>>>> xwiki-platform-component-script-7.4.jar or the like?
>>>> The actual problem then is around line 310 (next DB upgrade issue) - if
>>>> there are duplicate jars, hopefully this can be sorted out by repairing
>>>> the installation.
>>>> Otherwise we have to think about it again what might fix the issue this
>>>> time.
>>>> hope this helps
>>>> Clemens
>>>> Jhaimerl wrote on Monday, 04.07.2016, 16:16
>>>>> Hi Clemens,
>>>>> first of thanks again. I followed your advice and executed the longish
>>>>> sql
>>>>> statement - didn't work.
>>>>> I then removed the relationships between tables and changed the
>>>>> datatype
>>>>> of
>>>>> the id columns to BIGINT manually by following the exceptions in the
>>>>> log.
>>>>> So I finally got through that part of the migration. Now I'm stuck with
>>>>> a
>>>>> new type of error, please see line 162 here
>>>>> http://pastebin.com/YLzwvxmh.
>>>>> Has somebody ever seen this?
>>>>> Thank you and best regards
>>>>> Josef
>>>>> Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar wrote
>>>>>> Oh, this looks odd.
>>>>>> The upgrade process first tried to find the name for the primary key;
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> is the statement:
>>>>>> select @pkname=i.name from sysindexes i join sysobjects o ON i.id =
>>>>>> o.id
>>>>>> join sysobjects pk ON i.name = pk.name AND pk.parent_obj = i.id AND
>>>>>> pk.xtype = 'PK' join sysindexkeys ik on i.id = ik.id AND i.indid =
>>>>>> ik.indid join syscolumns c ON ik.id = c.id AND ik.colid = c.colid
>>>>>> where
>>>>>> o.name = 'xwikidates'
>>>>>> it then gets a result "PK__xwikidates__6FD49106"
>>>>>> but when it tries to drop this constrain via:
>>>>>> 'alter table [dbo].[xwikidates] drop constraint ' + @pkname
>>>>>> it fails with   'PK__xwikidates__6FD49106' is not a constraint. Huh?
>>>>>> Can you try to run that longish SQL Query from an SQL-console or the
>>>>>> like,
>>>>>> just to see if that returns the same result?
>>>>>> To proceed the update, maybe it helps to drop the constraint for the
>>>>>> primary key of the 'xwikidates' table manually and see what the next
>>>>>> error
>>>>>> is, probably there are more PK-constraints with that problem.
>>>>>> (I hope you have backups, otherwise this is very bad advice ;) )
>>>>>> Clemens
>>>>>>> First of all thank you for your answer, Clemens.
>>>>>>> There a different exceptions in the log-file for executing
>>>>>>> sql-statements.
>>>>>>> Please see http://pastebin.com/BFABwpNz.
>>>>>>> All the errors are in relation to the xwikidates table.
>>>>>>> Do you have any idea how to fix this?
>>>>>>> Thanks again and best regards
>>>>>>> Josef
>>>>>>> Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar wrote
>>>>>>>> It seems a DB migration failed; you can find the error in the log
>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>> after startup, above of the messages you posted.
>>>>>>>> It is likely that it is the statistics migration
>>>>>>>> You can try the SQL statements from here:
>>>>>>>>   http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-8129
>>>>>>>> as found in the release notes of 4.3:
>>>>>>>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWiki43#HGeneralNotes
>>>>>>>> If it is not the statistics, please locate the error from the failed
>>>>>>>> migration
>>>>>>>> (should be somewhere after the line: "Checking Hibernate mapping and
>>>>>>>> updating schema if needed for wiki [xwiki]" )
>>>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>>>> Clemens
>>>>>>>> ----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
>>>>>>>> Von: Jhaimerl
>>>>>>>> Am:  Tuesday, 28.06.2016, 09:59
>>>>>>>> An: Xwiki Users
>>>>>>>> Betreff: [xwiki-users] Can't Upgrade from XWiki 3.5.1
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to upgrade an existing XWiki Instance (V3.5.1). It's
>>>>>>>>> running
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> a MSSQL database.
>>>>>>>>> I already tried the following (see referenced links below) and
>>>>>>>>> upgrades
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> different higher versions of XWiki e.g. 4.x, 5.4.x. However I
>>>>>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>>> this exception http://pastebin.com/yeaFQAtt.
>>>>>>>>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Another-migration-problem-3-5-to-4-1-3-td7580726.html#a7580809
>>>>>>>>> http://lists.xwiki.org/pipermail/users/2012-August/023537.html
>>>>>>>>> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Failed-migration-from-3-0-to-4-3-1-td7583304.html
>>>>>>>>> Does somebody have any hints how to solve this?
>>>>>>>>> Many thanks in advance!
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mit freundlichen Grüßen
Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar

Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar
Software Development
EsPresto AG
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10178 Berlin/Germany
Tel: +49.(0)30.90 226.763
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