Spark interpreter has
Although it currently supports paragraph in the same notebook, it might be
still useful.


On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 3:27 AM Pankaj Singh <>

> Thanks Moon for reply.
> will help to achieve
> "input box at the top and bind the remaining paragraphs with it". Running
> all the paragraphs is a good solution but i believe we should also provide
> something like z.runParagraph(paragraph)
> I will try your suggestions for couple of requirements.
> for "Click visualization element invoke action" agree there should be a
> simpler way
> Thanks,
> Pankaj
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 4:46 PM, moon soo Lee <> wrote:
>> Hi Pankaj,
>> Appreciate for great feedbacks.
>> 1. What I need is one input box at the top and bind the remaining
>> paragraphs with it
>> I have created an issue
>> it might be related.
>> Zeppelin's interpreter abstraction allows any interpreter creates
>> something like Z context. To expose Z context to user in %jdbc interpreter,
>> we need proper syntax for it. i.e. %spark interpreter expose Z context as
>> scala api. %pyspark interpreter expose Z context as python api. %jdbc
>> interpreter expose Z context as ..?
>> 2. Store query result into a spark data frame
>> in Master branch (0.7.0-SNAPSHOT), table type result form any interpreter
>> can be accessed by resource pool. You'll get some idea from
>> 3. Using basic display system with query result.
>> Yes, you can use %html in the cell in table output. Check
>> 4. Pulling some paragraphs from different notebooks.
>> I know some 3rd party service supports this feature[1], but currently
>> Zeppelin doesn't.
>> I think simplest way of supporting this(or similar) feature is let
>> api work with paragraphs not only in the same Note but
>> also with all other notebooks.
>> Then a master notebook can call the other paragraphs using
>> and collect graphs.
>> 5. Authorization in dynamic form.
>> Thanks for good suggestion. Do you mind file an issue?
>> 6. Label overlaps
>> Do you mind file an issue for this?
>> 7. click visualization element invoke action.
>> You can create custom visualization in JS inside of Zeppelin notebook and
>> watch bind any action using angular display system [2].
>> But it'll be nice if there're some simpler way that can leverage build-in
>> visualization.
>> Thanks,
>> moon
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 12:46 AM Pankaj Singh <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Couple of weeks I was experimenting zeppelin to create interactive
>>> visualization. Since the cleaned data was available in mysql database in
>>> structured format %jdbc was the obvious choice.
>>> Since I wanted the dashboard to be interactive I used available dynamic
>>> forms  available by default.
>>> Below are couple of challenges which I faced while using %jdbc
>>> interpreter, If it seems valid enhancement I can go and create defects for
>>> them
>>>    1. *Something similar to z context in %jdbc interpreter* - I have a 
>>> *input
>>>    box* which takes number of days as input . I have a number of
>>>    paragraph which has same *input box.* What I need is one input box
>>>    at the top and bind the remaining paragraphs with it. ?
>>>       1. Can I use something similar to Z context here
>>>    2. *Store query result into a spark data frame* : The second
>>>    requirement is to execute a mysql query using %jdbc and store the result 
>>> as
>>>    spark data frame. Basically the requirement is to create multiple temp
>>>    table after executing a single sql query and create various type of
>>>    visualization based on those temp queries.
>>>    3. *Using Basic Display System with query result*  : Can I use %html
>>>    inside query output . The requirement is – A query output has a column
>>>    which stores url and I wish to appear as an anchor tag so that it is
>>>    clickable.
>>>    4. *Easy way of pulling some paragraphs from different notebooks* :
>>>    I have different groups of user which need different type of 
>>> visualization
>>>    , the visualization which I want to show can be same/different or mixed.
>>>    Is it possible to create a master notebook with alls the paragraph and 
>>> then
>>>    create notebooks by pulling some paragraph from it. Its not copy but can 
>>> be
>>>    thought as reference.
>>>    5. *Authorization* - I have used Dynamic form ( text box), Now I
>>>    want to authorize user to modify the value in text box and execute the
>>>    paragraph but does not allow him to read/modify the sql query. Currently
>>>    with the available permission (owner/read/write) its not possible .
>>>    6. *Default visualization* – The default visualization bar chart
>>>    shows the label horizontally. When the number of label increases say to
>>>    40-50 or length of text of a label increases I was able to see overlaps 
>>> in
>>>    the label text. Is there a way to choose particular portion of the graph
>>>    and then zoom that portion.
>>>    7.  *click on a visualization element to invoke any paragraph action*
>>>      :  To make visualization sort of drill down is it possible to
>>>    invocation a different paragraph by clicking a bar chart. Its like taking
>>>    input from bar chart as an argument to next paragraph and then execute 
>>> and
>>>    transition to that paragraph.
>>> Thanks for  your inputs and help
>>> ~Pankaj

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