I haven’t tried this myself yet but something I’ve been thinking as well. Will 
the nginx reverse proxy support web sockets as well?

Ideally we’d have isolated SparkContexts so users aren’t trampling over each 
other. Honestly I think it’d be good to have the option of starting a new 
SparkContext per notebook as well or using the model Databricks has where you 
“attach” a notebook to a cluster.

From: RJ Nowling
Date: Friday, March 27, 2015 at 12:19 PM
Subject: Multi-user approach

Hi all,

I'm looking into ways to support multiple users with Zeppelin.  I want to 
provide isolation between users.

I'm considering the following approach:
* Run Zeppelin under each user's account with its own set of ports
* Use nginx as a reverse proxy for providing authentication

Has anyone done anything similar?  Any better alternatives?


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