I concur. In fact, I couldn't have said it better myself.

On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 08:12, <br...@bjwhite.net> wrote:

> Well, regardless (because of) of ya'll's bullshit (yes, I said it...someone
> had to) this list has gone downhill quickly.
> It's gone downhill much faster when the bashing that's been going on here
> than it would have had with someone here and there saying that imperial
> units are used here and there.
> Jerry, Ken, Stephen, I don't care which one of you supports what.  You're
> all a bunch of idiots as far as I'm concerned.  Take it private.....in fact,
> if I was the moderator, I'd boot the lot of you.
> Jerry, a special consideration for you, since you're the worst addition to
> this list recently.   It's painfully obvious, that you hide behind a fake
> email address and name.  It's also quite obvious that you are
> John/Euric/Kilopascal given the history of the list.  Regardless of other
> people's points of view, your berating and condescending tone and attitude
> get you no where.  In fact, I agree with 98%+ of what you say, it's the WAY
> you say it that makes it ineffective and irritating.   And it's all hampered
> by the fact that you think you're smarter than everyone else. Guess what,
> you're not.  That's life, get over it.   (In fact, sometimes I think Ken
> actually is Jerry....just feeding off of himself, but no evidence.)
> I know, I hear it now...you're going to say "Well, if you see these other
> forums."  Well you know, I don't give a shit.   If I wanted to see those
> other forums, I'd go join them.
> So please guys, take this bullshit elsewhere.    I'm sure I speak for many
> others on this list who have had it with you
> guys--Jerry/kilopascal/John/Euric being the worst instigator.
>  -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [USMA:44993] RE: Stephen's use of pseudonyms
> From: Ken Cooper <k_cooper1...@yahoo.com>
> Date: Sat, May 02, 2009 7:34 am
> To: "U.S. Metric Association" <usma@colostate.edu>
> Stephen said
> "Important note: as with other acts of pedantry, twisting the truth, and
> general vendetta led spam - do not believe claims of joke posts by 'Jock'
> being myself."
> That's right. I'd better give everyone Stephen's totally believable version
> of events.
> Stephen claims to have been contacted by a complete stranger (who he can no
> longer contact) who asked him for the password to the Jock McScotland
> account. The stranger didn't want to go to the bother of registering
> himself, so he contacted Stephen.
> Stephen doesn't explain how this person contacted him - you can only send
> pm's to members of that site if you are logged in and Stephen's email
> doesn't appear on the site.
> This stranger then somehow managed to identify me from the millions of
> internet users & find my old Windows Live Messenger account. (Stephen,
> incidentally, is one of the few people I have communicated with by this
> method & I know that the stranger isn't any of the others)
> The stranger then committed copyright theft by copying my avatar. Silly
> person - I could choose to sue for this.
> He then posted a whole lot of stuff that contains exactly the same
> misspellings & appears identically phrased to the stuff that Stephen posted
> when he had access to the Jock McScotland account.
> There. That's a totally believable explanation of what really happened.
> Pity that no-one will think that it is the truth. It ranks with "a big boy
> did it & ran away" as an excuse.
> Alternatively, the simpler and more plausible explanation is that Stephen
> is the sad twisted individual behind "Jock McScotland's" posts. I know what
> I believe.
> Stephen also said
> "Far better to discuss this off the list"
> Why Stephen? Don't you like being exposed as a sad twisted liar? IMO, you
> are deliberately attempting to damage the credibility of the USMA
> listserver by taking posts from it & reposting them under your Jock
> McScotland pseudonym.
> Finally, let me remind everyone that it was Stephen that originally brought
> up the subject of pseudonyms on this list - not me. Funny how he wants the
> discussion taken off list only when it begins to encompass his own pseudonym
> use.

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