On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 3:53 PM Jason Matusiak via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> This is a long shot, but I have been fighting with my rfnoc block the last
> few days trying to figure out why it won't work.  I am basically combining
> the threshold block and the siggen block (so it takes in values, and spits
> out data based on the siggen parameters).
> My block has been spitting some samples on startup and then just stops.
> Digging around, what I can see is that the axi_fifo_short's FIFO primitive
> is filling up.  If I add debug to my testbench, I can see that my data is
> slowly losing the war on reading as fast as I am writing.  Once it is full,
> I end up in a deadlock it appears.
> Since this is somewhat custom, there probably isn't a good answer, but
> does anyone have a suggestion where to look into this?  The main module
> where I think my axi_interfaces are getting screwed up somehow (on my end)
> is the axi_async_stream.v module.
> ANY help would be appreciated!!!!

It sounds like you want your siggen block to be able to produce samples
without following the flow control coming back to you (tready).

Unfortunately, you can't.  You need to obey tready and stop the generation
of samples accordingly.

Is this what's happening?  Your siggen block kicks off, and at some point,
tready goes low, but you still want to push tvalid and tdata out?

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