
> Brian, I really only want to send data when appropriate. I don't have the 
> code in front if me at the moment, but I can have tvalid high while I wait 
> for tready, right.

Actually tvalid high with tready low is completey expected. Because
you CANNOT have tvalid depend on the status of tready. (i.e. waiting
for tready to assert tvalid is a spec violation and _will_ cause dead

> So I don't see why it would be an issue if I change tdata while tvalid is 
> high and tready is low.

But changing tdata which tvalid is high and tready low means that this
data will be "lost" which ... although it won't cause a dead lock is a
bit weird to just drop data randomly depending on the handshake
process ...

> But I've spent the last two days trying to debuf this before I found out it 
> was the axi fifo filling up. It is weird to me that it is slowly falling 
> behind. It makes me feel like tlast maybe has something to do with it.....

You do assert tlast periodically right ?
I mean you need to send packets, not a stream.



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