On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 8:00 AM Felix Greiwe via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hi EJ,
> thank you for your answer! To make my error more traceable, I created a
> new OOT Module and added the default gain block from rfnoc getting
> started.
> I also took your advice and looked at the uhd_image_builder.py script. I
> noticed very strange behaviour, because my print statements suggested,
> that the script did not include my makefile.srcs because it first edited
> the path
> /home/lskt/rfnoc/src/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/ to
> /home/lskt/rfnoc/src/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/rfnoc and a bit later to
> /home/lskt/rfnoc/src/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/rfnoc/rfnoc/fpga-src/ .
> As you can see two rfnoc's here hence it did not find the makefile.src in
> ..../fpga-src. The changes (marked with fgr) in the create_oot_include
> here seem to resolve the issue, hopefully helpful for other people too and
> maybe even a major bug?:
> def create_oot_include(device, include_dirs):
>     """
>     Create the include file for OOT RFNoC sources
>     """
>     oot_dir_list = []
>     target_dir = device_dict(device.lower())
>     dest_srcs_file = os.path.join(get_scriptpath(), '..', '..', 'top',\
>             target_dir, 'Makefile.OOT.inc')
>     incfile = open(dest_srcs_file, 'w')
>     incfile.write(OOT_SRCS_FILE_HDR)
>     if include_dirs is not None:
>         for dirs in include_dirs:
>             currpath = os.path.abspath(str(dirs))
>             if os.path.isdir(currpath) & (os.path.basename(currpath) ==
> "rfnoc"):
>                 # Case 1: Pointed directly to rfnoc directory
>                 oot_path = currpath
>             elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(currpath, 'rfnoc')):
>                 # Case 2: Pointed to top level rfnoc module directory
>                 oot_path = os.path.join(currpath, 'rfnoc')
>             elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(currpath, 'Makefile.inc')):
>                 # Case 3: Pointed to a random directory with a Makefile.inc
>                 oot_path = currpath
>             else:
>                 print('No RFNoC module found at ' +
> os.path.abspath(currpath))
>                 continue
>             if oot_path not in oot_dir_list:
>                 oot_dir_list.append(oot_path)
>                 named_path = os.path.join('$(BASE_DIR)',
> get_relative_path(get_basedir(), oot_path))
>                 incfile.write(OOT_DIR_TMPL.format(oot_dir=named_path))
>                 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(oot_path, 'Makefile.inc')):
>                     # Check for Makefile.inc
>                     incfile.write(OOT_INC_TMPL)
>                 elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(oot_path, 'rfnoc',
> 'Makefile.inc')):
>                     # Check for Makefile.inc
>                     incfile.write(OOT_INC_TMPL)
>                 #elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(oot_path, 'rfnoc',
> 'fpga-src', 'Makefile.srcs')): # Original
>                 elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(oot_path, 'fpga-src',
> 'Makefile.srcs')): # Anders fgr
>                     # Legacy: Check for fpga-src/Makefile.srcs
>                     # Read, then append to file
>                     # curr_srcs = open(os.path.join(oot_path, 'rfnoc',
> 'fpga-src', 'Makefile.srcs'), 'r').read() # Original
>                     curr_srcs = open(os.path.join(oot_path, 'fpga-src',
> 'Makefile.srcs'), 'r').read() # Anders fgr
>                     # curr_srcs = curr_srcs.replace('SOURCES_PATH',
> os.path.join(oot_path, 'rfnoc', 'fpga-src', '')) #
> Original
>                     curr_srcs = curr_srcs.replace('SOURCES_PATH',
> os.path.join(oot_path, 'fpga-src', '')) # Anders fgr
>                     print('Searching for Makefile.srcs: ' + curr_srcs) #fgr
>                     incfile.write(OOT_SRCS_TMPL.format(sources=curr_srcs))
>                 else:
>                     print('No valid makefile found at ' +
> os.path.abspath(currpath))
>                     continue
> However 30 minutes later in the build I got the next errror and again have
> no idea what to do. My command was:
> ./uhd_image_builder.py gain ddc fft -I
> /home/lskt/rfnoc/src/rfnoc-blocks_lskt/ -d x310 -t X310_RFNOC_HG -m 6
> --fill-with-fifos
> Using Vivado 2018.3 and UHD
> Erros are:
> ERROR: [DRC MDRV-1] Multiple Driver Nets: Net bus_clk_gen/inst/CLK_OUT4
> has multiple drivers: radio_clk_gen/inst/clkout1_buf/O, and
> bus_clk_gen/inst/clkout4_buf/O.
> ERROR: [DRC MDRV-1] Multiple Driver Nets: Net
> radio_reset_sync/reset_double_sync/synchronizer_false_path/value[9]_9 has
> multiple drivers:
> ce_reset_sync/reset_double_sync/synchronizer_false_path/stages[9].value_reg[9][0]/Q,
> and
> radio_reset_sync/reset_double_sync/synchronizer_false_path/stages[9].value_reg[9][0]/Q.
> ERROR: [Vivado_Tcl 4-78] Error(s) found during DRC. Opt_design not run.
> ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'opt_design' failed due to earlier errors.
> [00:24:46] Current task: DRC +++ Current Phase: Starting
> [00:24:46] Current task: DRC +++ Current Phase: Finished
> [00:24:46] Process terminated. Status: Failure
> ========================================================
> Warnings:           1304
> Critical Warnings:  40
> Errors:             4
> Makefile.x300.inc:106: recipe for target 'bin' failed
> make[1]: *** [bin] Error 1
> make[1]: Verzeichnis „/home/lskt/rfnoc/src/uhd-fpga/usrp3/top/x300“ wird
> verlassen
> Makefile:112: recipe for target 'X310_RFNOC_HG' failed
> make: *** [X310_RFNOC_HG] Error 2
> Again, I would be very thankful for any advice, I refuse to give up :D

This was recently shown to be a reassignment of the ce_clk and ce_rst
signals.  In your rfnoc_ce_auto_inst generated file, remove the lines that

  wire ce_clk = radio_clk;
  wire ce_rst = radio_rst;

Then try to rebuild.

You can remove those lines from being regenerated every time here:


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