Hello All,

So I have been running into some interesting issues lately with using a USRP 
X310 as a signal generator. I have a UBX 40 Duaghterboard installed in the 
USRP, and I have been testing sending signals at varying frequencies. I have 
noticed that I can set the center frequency of the USRP sink block up to about 
1.3 GHz, and I can see the sine wave being transmitted and received just fine 
(1 MHz frequency and 4 MHz sampling rate sine wave), but setting the center 
frequency any higher causes a loss in data (the spectrogram of the signal looks 
pixelated and some of the pixels in the signal are much lower that others). I 
know that the X310 supports up to 6 GHz signals, and I know the PC I am running 
GNU Radio can handle generating the signal IQ data, so I am at a loss for ideas 
as to what could be causing the loss of signal data at frequencies greater than 
1.3 GHz. Any suggestions or ideas on what I am doing wrong and what I need to 
change would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Jerrid Plymale
USRP-users mailing list

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