Hello Marcus,

I apologize for the delay in response, but I was able to solve the problem I 
was having with sending a signal at frequencies above 1.3 GHz. Turns out, in 
one of the two USRP's I am using for my project, I managed to get the cables 
for TX/RX and the RX2 flipped around when I set everything up (so I had the 
cable that was connected to the TX/RX hole on the front of the USRP connected 
to the RX2 terminal on the UBX 40 daughterboard, woops). Now I am able to get a 
clean signal transmitted without issue.

Upon fixing this problem I stumbled on another issue I have been scratching my 
head over this week without any success. When I turn on the USRP to transmit a 
signal, and I have muted my signal source blocks in GNU Radio Companion, I am 
still getting a signal. I have tried using both USRP's and the same thing 
happens, a signal appears when no signal source is supplying data to the USRP 
from the PC, and I do not understand why. The signal is about 2.125 KHz off 
from the center frequency set in the USRP sink block, with a power of roughly 
-100 dBm measured by the Spectrum Analyzer I have access to. The signal appears 
even when I have a null source block connected to the USRP sink block. Is this 
something that can be fixed or worked around? Is this suppose to happen when 
transmitting using a USRP x310 and a UBX 40 daughterboard? Any suggestions or 
insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Jerrid Plymale
USRP-users mailing list

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