
I have a USRP N310 and in my application I want to do a 4 channel loopback.
Transmit sources are files and the received samples are processed. However,
I ran into stability issues receiving a lot of Late packet errors (LLLLL).
To trace the problem I executed the basic UHD example txrx_loopback_to_file
on 4 channels with 1Msamp/sec sample rate. There every time I got
ERROR_CODE_LATE_COMMAND. When I executed it for 3 channels I got it
working, though on some occasions the same error would occur. With netstat
I see that in case I receive the L-s, the UDP packet error is increasing.

After reading through the manual and threads I tried several things but
could not resolve the issue.
- I set the net.core.rmem_max and wmem_max as suggested
- I set the MTU on both host and N310 to 8000 (also tried 1500)
- I put the CPU to performance mode with cpupower

My system config is:
- Ubuntu 20.04, UHD version 3.15, (gnuradio installed with apt)
- quad core intel n4200, 8GB RAM
- N310 is loaded with default HG firmware (sfp0 is 1GBit)

Do you have any tips on how to resolve this?


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