On 2 Feb 2023, at 9:58, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

> On 2/1/23 6:17 AM, Corey Bonnell wrote:
>> I think it would be unfortunate if the usage of terms that are defined in
>> RFC 5890 is not aligned with their definitions.
>> If we are not opposed to introducing new terminology to the document, then I
>> suggest the following:
>> 1.   Replace all instances of "A-label" with the term "P-label" from the
>> CABF Baseline Requirements [1]: "P-Label: A XN-Label that contains valid
>> output of the Punycode algorithm (as defined in RFC 3492, Section 6.3) from
>> the fifth and subsequent positions."
>> 2.   For U-label:
>>      a. Punt and call it "Unicode representation" instead (this is what
>> the CABF Baseline Requirements does, although that may not be appropriate
>> for this document).
>>      b. Create a new term that is defined as "A non-LDH label that
>> contains valid output of the decoding algorithm for Punycode (as defined in
>> RFC 3492, Section 6.2)." and use this new term instead of "U-label".
>> I'd be happy to work on concrete text to this effect if there's agreement
>> this is a good path to resolve the issue.
> I would very much like to hear what John Klensin and Patrik Fältström (cc'd) 
> think about this proposal.
> As noted in my other message 
> <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/uta/92tKoHT3Kjll1o_mCYQYQT8xON4/> I'm 
> not immediately comfortable with referencing a CA/Browser Forum document 
> instead of RFC 5890.
> Having looked at Corey's proposal more closely, I'm doubly unsure because (a) 
> it is not fully clear to me how the P-label construct differs from the 
> A-label construct in RFC 5890 and (b) coming up with new DNS-related 
> terminology in a late-stage document about certificate validation just seems 
> like a bad idea (e.g., I'm not sure how to get proper review) even if it were 
> necessary (which I'm not sure it is).

Thanks for being brought into this discussion Peter.

I had a read of the document and have these direct comments:

>    delegated domain:  A domain name or host name that is explicitly
>       configured for communicating with the source domain, either by the
>       human user controlling the client or by a trusted administrator.
>       For example, an IMAP server at mail.example.net could be a
>       delegated domain for a source domain of example.net associated
>       with an email address of u...@example.net.

This might be confusing as it is using the term "delegated" and give indeed an 
example where "mail.example.net" might (or might not) be delegated from 
"example.net", while the administrator of an imap server at a specific domain 
name might have no similarities at all with the MX record of the domain to 
which email is to be sent to end up in the named IMAP server.

So I think a better example is to either use the term "delegated" when it 
really talks about DNS delegation, OR, you use a different term but have an 
example where you can have:

- IMAP server: imap.example.se.
- MX target: mx.example.net.
- Email domain: example.com.

>    derived domain:  A domain name or host name that a client has derived
>       from the source domain in an automated fashion (e.g., by means of
>       a [DNS-SRV] lookup).

Also MX? What is then the difference or similarity between an MX related 
derivation of one domain name from another and an SRV related derivation?

Can a delegated domain also be derived?

>    source domain:  The FQDN that a client expects an application service
>       to present in the certificate.  This is typically input by a human
>       user, configured into a client, or provided by reference such as a
>       URL.  The combination of a source domain and, optionally, an
>       application service type enables a client to construct one or more
>       reference identifiers.

I presume you also include domain names that one at a time is created using a 
search list construction in a DNS stub resolver? I.e. what you talk about is 
really a FQDN?

I think this is a good thing, but hope people to understand what this implies.

I hate search lists and relative domain names.

>    The DNS name conforms to one of the following forms:
>    1.  A "traditional domain name", i.e., a FQDN that conforms to
>        "preferred name syntax" as described in Section 3.5 of
>        [DNS-CONCEPTS] and for which all of its labels are "LDH labels"
>        as described in [IDNA-DEFS].  Informally, such labels are
>        constrained to [US-ASCII] letters, digits, and the hyphen, with
>        the hyphen prohibited in the first character position.
>        Additional qualifications apply (refer to the above-referenced
>        specifications for details), but they are not relevant here.
>    2.  An "internationalized domain name", i.e., a DNS domain name that
>        includes at least one label containing appropriately encoded
>        Unicode code points outside the traditional US-ASCII range and
>        conforming to the processing and validity checks specified for
>        "IDNA2008" in [IDNA-DEFS] and the associated documents.  In
>        particular, it contains at least one U-label or A-label, but
>        otherwise may contain any mixture of NR-LDH labels, A-labels, or
>        U-labels.

This is confusing, and it seems people misunderstand the big changed we went 
through in the IETF from IDNA2003 to IDNA2008.

In IDNA2008 we have:

- Got rid of mapping, i.e. mapping like case folding is something happening in 
application layer, and have nothing to do with "domain names".
- Have a 1:1 mapping between A-label and U-label.
- In theory because of this can have A-label and U-label for domain names that 
include by IDNA2008 not allowed Unicode code points (or not allowed code point 
by other policy rules, for example the ones a registry have).

I stronly recommend you have similar rules here. Separate potential mapping 
from comparison of domain names which in turn must be separated from policy for 
what code points are allowed.

Ok, onwards...

>    If the DNS domain name portion of a reference identifier is a
>    traditional domain name, then matching of the reference identifier
>    against the presented identifier MUST be performed by comparing the
>    set of domain name labels using a case-insensitive ASCII comparison,
>    as clarified by [DNS-CASE].  For example, WWW.Example.Com would be
>    lower-cased to www.example.com for comparison purposes.  Each label
>    MUST match in order for the names to be considered to match, except
>    as supplemented by the rule about checking of wildcard labels given
>    below.
>    If the DNS domain name portion of a reference identifier is an
>    internationalized domain name, then the client MUST convert any
>    U-labels [IDNA-DEFS] in the domain name to A-labels before checking
>    the domain name or comparing it with others.  In accordance with
>    [IDNA-PROTO], A-labels MUST be compared as case-insensitive ASCII.
>    Each label MUST match in order for the domain names to be considered
>    to match, except as supplemented by the rule about checking of
>    wildcard labels given below.

All of the above can be replaced by just saying that "A domain name is to be 
compared using case insensitive matching according to what DNS uses, and this 
because of this include domain names that have A-Labels in them" and reference 

It *might* also include wording about:

- If a domain name include unicode characters, and case folding equivalent 
approximate matching is expected by the client, mapping from one unicode 
character to another must take place before the A-label is created from the 
U-label. And reference section 4.2 in RFC 5894.

Do not come up with your own words please!

- If a domain name include code points that are DISALLOWED according to 
IDNA2008 or any other policy, for example a registry, it MUST be defined in 
this document whether it SHOULD be allowed to do a comparison of the domain 
names or not. If a label include 0x00 bytes for example (which is normally 
never allowed in any protocol) should such a lable be able to get a "match" 
when the domain name is to be compared?

Please be specific in the general case!

>    A wildcard in a presented identifier can only match exactly one label
>    in a reference identifier.  Note that this is not the same as DNS
>    wildcard matching, where the "*" label always matches at least one
>    whole label and sometimes more.  See [DNS-CONCEPTS], Section 4.3.3
>    and [DNS-WILDCARDS].

Wow, wildcards in DNS is hairy. I know some people knows this, be careful, as 
wildcards in DNS is very different from (so far) wildcards in certificates.

>    An IP-ID matches based on an octet-for-octet comparison of the bytes
>    of the reference identity with the bytes contained in the iPAddress
>    subjectAltName.  Because the iPAddress field does not include the IP
>    version, a helpful heuristic for implementors is to distinguish IPv4
>    addresses from IPv6 addresses by their length.

Why "octet by octet"?

The field include either a 32 bit or 128 bit field. If what is compared have 
different length, the match is False. If the length is the same, the values are 
compared. If they are the same, the match is True, otherwise False.

>    If the identifier is an SRV-ID, then the application service name
>    MUST be matched in a case-insensitive manner, in accordance with
>    [DNS-SRV].  Note that the _ character is prepended to the service
>    identifier in DNS SRV records and in SRV-IDs (per [SRVNAME]), and
>    thus does not need to be included in any comparison.

Please reference one place in this document where case sensitivity is 
explained. Do not repeat text.

> 7.3.  Internationalized Domain Names
>    As specified under Section 6, matching of internationalized domain
>    names is performed on A-labels, not U-labels.  As a result, potential
>    confusion caused by the use of visually similar characters in domain
>    names is likely mitigated in certificate matching as described in
>    this document.
>    As with URIs and URLs, there are in practice at least two primary
>    approaches to internationalized domain names: "IDNA2008" (see
>    [IDNA-DEFS] and the associated documents) and an alternative approach
>    specified by the Unicode Consortium in [UTS-46].  (At this point the
>    transition from the older "IDNA2003" technology is mostly complete.)

Not really...it is neither one or the other.

The basis for all domain names is what is defined in DNS, and that is IDNA2008.

The differences from UTS-46 are specifically two things:

- UTS-46 also include rules for mapping that IDNA2008 does not include. The 
mapping that might be performed according to UTS-46 is "out of scope" for 

- What code points are allowed in the ultimate domain name is slightly 

But, we have people using domain names (i.e. in the wild) which are neither 
allowed in UTS-46 or IDNA2008.

And, then there are people using the algorithm in IDNA2008 applied to versions 
of Unicode that IETF have not approved yet.

So, once again, not "either or". It is "a little bit of everything".

>    Differences in specification, interpretation, and deployment of these
>    technologies can be relevant to Internet services that are secured
>    through certificates (e.g., some top-level domains might allow
>    registration of names containing Unicode code points that typically
>    are discouraged, either formally or otherwise).  Although there is
>    little that can be done by certificate matching software itself to
>    mitigate these differences (aside from matching exclusively on
>    A-labels), the reader needs to be aware that the handling of
>    internationalized domain names is inherently complex and can lead to
>    significant security vulnerabilities if not properly implemented.
>    Relevant security considerations for handling of internationalized
>    domain names can be found in [IDNA-DEFS], Section 4.4, [UTS-36], and
>    [UTS-39].


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