At all, I had done so merely as a blind. At least they did not take me
for a thief as well as a murderer. If the money is really missing, it
was for its sake he was murdered I suppose." "Yes, that would be
natural," said Muller. "And you know nothing of any other relations or
connections that the man may have had? Anything that might give us a
clue to the truth?" "No, nothing. He stood so alone here, as far as I
knew. Of course, as I told you, his actions of the evening before having
been so peculiar--and as I knew that he was not in the happiest frame of
mind--I naturally thought of suicide at once, when they told me that he
had been found shot dead. Then they told me that the appearance of the
room and many other things, proved suicide to have been out of the
question. I know nothing more about it. I cannot think any more about
it. I know only that I am here in danger of being sentenced for the
crime that I never committed--that is enough to keep any man's mind
busy." He leaned back with an intense fatigue in every line of his face
and figure. Muller rose from

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