> Does anyone know of a decent web interface to a file system.
> I would like to be able to securely upload files to my home server via a
> web interface.

It clarify some of the requirements,  Since leaving the comforts of BYU I
now work for The Federal Reserve, being a bank the security is VERY strict.
Outbound SSH/FTP/CIFS is restricted. Hence the need for the web interface
for uploading,  [I do think that flexshare thing may just do the trick].   I
also occasionally share files with my family in Utah, so the web interface
is a must.  I'd rather give myself a root cannal than try to explain how
WinSCP works to my mother.

Thank you all for your suggestions, I'll let you know how it works out.

WC Fields  - "A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money."
BYU Unix Users Group 

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