I would be especially careful now that a public record of what you are
doing has been made (on the UUG group archives).



On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Robert LeBlanc<rob...@leblancnet.us> wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Andrew McNabb <amcn...@mcnabbs.org> wrote:
>> I'm curious what others on the list think, but I'm pretty sure that if
>> you asked for permission, the Church (or at least its lawyers) would not
>> permit such a web service.  My personal opinion would be that it's safer
>> (both in terms of legality and security) to distribute a standalone
>> application than to host a web service.
>> I would be interested to hear if anyone has a different opinion or any
>> experience with this sort of issue.
> I'm always very cautious when it comes to church information. I've developed
> a web app to be used in the stake and I made sure to only have as little
> info as possible. People asked me to add some information that was in MLS
> and I refused telling them that this is not intended to be a replacement in
> anyway to MLS or the church website. I did have the blessing of the Stake
> President and the Area President before making it available to other ward
> clerks. The closest that we were getting to intergating with MLS/Church
> website was to export the MLS data and import it to the webapp, stripping
> out the sensitive information. I also made sure the entire app was SSL and
> check and triple checked SQL injection and the like. I still get very weary
> about holding information that is partially sensitive.
> Robert LeBlanc
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> BYU Unix Users Group
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"And very early in the morning
the first day of the week,
they came unto the sepulchre
at the rising of the sun..." (Mark 16:2)

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