On 09/01/2009 03:44 PM, dave wrote:
>    Maybe I'm just getting older, but I don't understand this need to be
> constantly connected to people I hardly know, or event to people I know
> well.  Other then my wife, I just don't care if I'm "in touch".

It confuses me that people see this as a requirement of social 
networking services.  Services like Facebook are what you make of them. 
  They can constantly connect you to people you hardly know, or you 
could just as easily use them to bi-annually (that's once every two 
years :) ) check on 5 of your closest friends.

You could just claim, in a similar fashion, not to want a cell phone 
because you don't see the point in having to talk to people all day. 
You would still be able to choose when to turn it on, and how to use it.

Maybe I misunderstood your point, but to me Facebook is just a tool for 
communication to be used and/or abused as people choose.  Personally, I 
mostly use Facebook as a social newspaper, flipping through pages to see 
what my friends have been up to.  Which reminds me, I forgot that my 
sister's birthday was last Sunday.

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