On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 19:01:27 -0400
Michael Larsen <mike.gh.lar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  (No, vi(m) shortcuts are not intelligible.
> Quick, yes, but not intelligible). 

I don't understand what you don't find intelligible about the vi
commands... they seem fairly simple to me:

d<movement command> delete to the position specified by the movement
y<movement command> yank (copy) to the position specified by the
movement command
p put the yank buffer back down after the cursor position
P put it down before the cursor position
o open a new line ahead of (below) the cursor position
O open a new line behind (above) the cursor position
w move forward a word
W move backwards a word

The only ones you might have trouble with are the movement keys, h, j,
k, and l, but if you ever used a LSI ADM3A terminal, you wouldn't have
a problem with those characters because they correspond to the arrow
keys printed on the terminal keyboard (control-h, also known as
"backspace", would move the cursor left, control-j, also known as
"newline", would move the cursor down, control-k would move the cursor
up, and control-l would move the cursor to the right).  This was a
fairly standard convention for terminals back in the day (pre-ANSI

And someone mentioned having trouble with the emacs commands not making
sense, either...  I just don't see it:
control-f move forward a character
control-b move backwards a character
meta-f move forward a word
meta-b move backwards a word
control-n move to the next line (down)
control-p move to the previous line (up)
control-k kill from point to the end of the line, putting the text on
the kill ring
control-y yank text back from the kill ring

Seems fairly straight forward to me.  Of course, I've been using vi
since 1984 and emacs since 1987... they're wired into my brain at this

Jan L. Peterson
BYU Unix Users Group 

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