> Hello guys,
> I would like to initiate again discussion about supporting HTTP2 router as
> SPDY cannot be used and HTTP2 is missing. I guess there was previously
> some
> talk about this, but I think there was lack of interest.
> If there will be more interest > we were thinking, we could ask developers
> to restart work on this and if we could also try to make some funding
> project for this.
> Reason, why we want this is that having NGINX makes our stack more
> complicated and I really do not like that for each feature I need another
> service.
> Also this could make uWSGI more interesting option again and make it more
> promising for users.
> --
> Regards,
> Zdenek
> Web: www.pripravto.cz
> _______________________________________________

Hi, yes the SPDY code is basically useless (note to me and Riccardo: time
to remove it ;), and i constantly underestimate how many users runs the
http/fast routers. HTTP/2 (albeit based on SPDY) is pretty different, and
implementing it in a solid way would require lot of manpower. If some
company want to sponsor its development (like Lincoln Loop with the
pyuwsgi stuff) can drop a mail to i...@unbit.it.

Just as a side note, all of the new features (or massive refactoring) of
the uWSGI code in the last 3 years have been sponsored by various
companies while Unbit simply manages commercial support. This is why the
release cycle slowed down.

Personally my focus now (with now > 1 year :) is on asyncio (it is not a
mistery i have never been a fan of the WSGI standard), but i am still not
sure a cooperation with asyncio and uWSGI can be made without heavily
refactoring uWSGI itself.


Roberto De Ioris
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