I had a good experience with the stock pipe drilling ... but you can't
get crazy, (I only used 3/8 inch holes .. I haven't the slightest idea
how 1/2 inch holes worked but I think I did see some positive posts).
You also have to richen up the bottom end or you will lose the bottom
end, (drop the PAJ2 down to about a 150 mikuni, (160 djet), and maybe
give yourself 1/2 step on the needles .. if you were relatively stock
.. airbox etc .. otherwise do what it will stand). Uhhhhhhh .. you
were supposed to take the "caps" off before drilling so that you could
put them back on if you couldn't stand the noise or didn't like it
........ tsk .. tsk ... I would think there should be some "dent"
muffler sets out there somewhere that someone could pull the caps off
for you ............ They are not available individually from Yamaha.
I hope to have a Two Bros pipe on this month or next .. if you are
still looking by then I will pull mine off and send them to you ...
(and the socket head screws that go with them).

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ross Lowery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: end caps wanted

> I did the stock exhaust mod on my 97 and I want to
> go back to stock. I drilled the stock end caps b/c I
> thought it would look better. It "looks" fine but I think
> it hurt the performance. Can I buy the caps from yamaha or
> does anyone have any they want to get rid of(for a
> price ,off list please). Any other experiece w/ a
> decrease in power w/ the exhaust mod.,,,,

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