I attended the Car Show on Brunswick today, and had the pleasure to meet
with a few V-Max owners, unfortunately most of them were quite
disappointed due to the delay of our V-Boost magazine, 4 of them are
thinking about canceling their VMOA membership, (something we cannot
afford or allow to happen!!)
These members don't have access to the Lists on the Internet, so their
only means to get updates, tips and product evaluations, come from our
I imagine there are hundreds of members out there, who are on the same
situation, and probably thinking about leaving the VMOA as well.
Now, I don't know what the situation is, and to tell you the truth, I
don't care!!!, when Clint, Don and I started this Association, we
promised a quarterly magazine delivered ON TIME to each member of our
beloved VMOA, well.. IT ISN'T HAPPENING ANYMORE!!!!!
Excuses like, "I don't have enough material", "nobody sends pictures" or
"I have no articles to print" don't fool nobody anymore, you can get
enough material and pictures from the Lists, or from the Tech Archives
if necessary, to get the mag going, but NEVER!! let it go this late.
I know the editing and printing process is a pain in the ass, and I wish
I could have more time, so I would do it myself. BUT, if somebody
volunteers to do the job, PLEASE!!! don't make 1500 members pay for your
lack of responsibility.
I don't know if those 4 guys I talked to, are going to quit the VMOA or
not, I hope I did convince them to hold on a little longer, but I'm
concerned for those out there, that already made up their minds, and is
already too late, to get them back..

I expect a lot of flames, stones and cursing coming my way, but this is
the way I feel about this situation.

Mario Aguiar

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