On 2015/05/21 15:10:10, earthdok wrote:
PS#2: The issue is with ICU, which is a C-only target. You put -fsanitize-memory in cflags_cc, so it isn't applied to ICU. Thus, even though -fPIC is implied by
any of -fsanitize={memory,address,thread}, ICU doesn't receive -fPIC.

- -fsanitize={address,memory,thread} should be in cflags, not cflags_cc. There's no reason for C code not to have sanitizer coverage. The same applies to other
sanitizer-related flags (-fno-omit-frame-pointer, -gline-tables-only).
- the TSan config doesn't need -fPIC and -pie either,
- since you actually have C code in v8 and the distinction between cflags and cflags_cc is meaningful, I'd say the proper fix for (PS#1) would be to not put
-fno-exceptions in cflags in the first place.


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