On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 6:16 PM, Mike Moening <mike.moen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why?
> Because I can't find a complete example of how to do it any other way...
> I need more then a two line explanation.  The lack of quality documentation
> and straight forward examples is outstanding.

I'm sure that the V8 team takes patches. :-)

> All the examples use ObjectTemplates.  The embedders guide does too.
> Also the object I'm creating has many other methods too (not just a
> constructor).
> I create an object template, give it a SetCallAsFunctionHandler() (so I can
> create it in C++ land) then add a whole bunch of other methods using Set()
> then I Set() that object template into another ObjectTemplate which used by
> the Context::New() when setting up the global.
> That's my understanding of how it is supposed to work.
> Ben,  I this post you were doing HasInstance() with a hack involving
> SetPointerInInternalField()
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/nodejs/PA3cNIZuFWU
> What that before you knew better?

Heh, no.  JS code can invoke a native method with a different this
object (e.g. `obj.nativeMethod.call(null)`).  The
SetPointerInInternalField() trick checks that args.This() or
args.Holder() is of the expected type.

> Thanks for the help

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