On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 7:02 PM, Ben Noordhuis <i...@bnoordhuis.nl> wrote:

> Heh, no.  JS code can invoke a native method with a different this
> object (e.g. `obj.nativeMethod.call(null)`).  The
> SetPointerInInternalField() trick checks that args.This() or
> args.Holder() is of the expected type.

Don't forget that SetPointerInInternalField() was deprecated sometime late
last year, replaced by SetAlignedPointer...() (which, incidentally, causes
a "pointer is not properly aligned" assertion on my platform for pointers
allocated via 'new T'.) The other way of doing it is to use
SetInternal...() with an External Value wrapping a (void*).

----- stephan beal

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