How big is the offset from buffer to data ?
const void* Data
const { return buffer_

sorry for spamming emails, i will try to condensate more

Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 23:07 dan Med <>
ha scritto:

> Cause i saw the code but didn't find how it handles all the possible
> javascript i might write into a script file....
> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 23:06 dan Med <>
> ha scritto:
>> But after using it for a little while, I have found v8 in general is
>> pretty simple. It provides an interface to C functions and memory. This is
>> kinda what it's for.
>> so how can i see the memory management ?
>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 23:06 dan Med <>
>> ha scritto:
>>> So, the hole length of this raw memory is set to be Data ? And to use it
>>> i should create a view on top of it like with typedarrays?
>>> So to call arraybuffer::append i should first, try to make the typed
>>> array bigger that action will call the arraybuffer::append  ?  i didn't ask
>>> how memcpy work, i didn't get the Data() thing, in the class that's all.
>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 22:55 @soylentgraham <
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>> > How can i understand the structure in memory of an arraybuffer and how 
>>>> > big is the data field which is pointed by this void pointerIt has no 
>>>> > structure. It is just a series of linear bytes, raw memory, allocated by 
>>>> > the memory allocator. (If you implement your own memory allocator you 
>>>> > can catch when this happens)It's just the data(buffer) for an array.
>>>> > How are they represented in memory....It IS memory. It's nothing more 
>>>> > (it's an array of bytes)
>>>> > How big is the data field ?If by "field", you mean, the data buffer... 
>>>> > it's Capacity 
>>>> > <>
>>>> >  (capacity is how much it can fit) in length. But not how much is being 
>>>> > used. (bytes_used)
>>>> If you're curious about when memory grows, reallocates, is written to, 
>>>> accessed... it might be worth setting up your environment so you can debug 
>>>> it by stepping through the code as it executes. You can watch memory, 
>>>> (this would show what memcpy changes) see the values passed around, track 
>>>> when memory gets allocated etc.
>>>> Your questions are a mix of very broad, ("How does v8 work") and very 
>>>> specific programming questions (what is memcpy() doing)Broad questions are 
>>>> very hard to answer in general. ("How does a car work")
>>>> I agree, simply browsing the code doesn't give a good overview of say, how 
>>>> the javascript compiler works, or how memory is utilised. (How it is 
>>>> allocated is very simple, on the C/++ side it doesn't implement any memory 
>>>> management, and the array buffer/view is a view of the C-side memory)But 
>>>> after using it for a little while, I have found v8 in general is pretty 
>>>> simple. It provides an interface to C functions and memory. This is kinda 
>>>> what it's for.
>>>> But the point of v8 is that it does a lot of that for you. I don't REALLY 
>>>> need to know how the memory is tracked on the javascript side, it just 
>>>> works (if I'm using the API correctly)Then again, if you NEED to know how 
>>>> it works for a specific purpose (very restricted memory, fixing a bug), we 
>>>> can help you a lot more easily by answering a very specific question. ("My 
>>>> car's low-oil light is blinking, where do I fill it up")
>>>> If you're just curious as to how the entire v8 engine works... that's a 
>>>> massive ask. A lot of people work on it, and there is a lot of work and 
>>>> topics involved.Your best bet is reading the (limited) documentation on 
>>>> the wiki, and read the blog posts which go 
>>>> into quite a lot of detail on each post topic.I've not seen any real 
>>>> general overview (the wiki itself says it's out of date) so, stepping 
>>>> through all the code as it executes is probably your best bet.
>>>> On Monday, 10 September 2018 21:25:37 UTC+1, dan Med wrote:
>>>>> in this snippet for example
>>>>> namespace WTF 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  {// A utility class to build an ArrayBuffer instance. Validity must be 
>>>>> checked// by isValid() before using an instance.class WTF_EXPORT 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  ArrayBufferBuilder 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  final {  // Disallow copying since it's expensive and we don't want code 
>>>>> to do it by  // accident.  USING_FAST_MALLOC 
>>>>> <>(ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>> <>);
>>>>>  public:  // Creates an ArrayBufferBuilder using the default capacity.  
>>>>> ArrayBufferBuilder 
>>>>> <>();
>>>>>   ArrayBufferBuilder 
>>>>> <>(unsigned
>>>>>  capacity 
>>>>> <>)
>>>>>       : bytes_used_ 
>>>>> <>(0),
>>>>>  variable_capacity_ 
>>>>> <>(true)
>>>>>  {    buffer_ 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  = 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  ArrayBuffer 
>>>>> <>::Create
>>>>> <>(capacity
>>>>> <>,
>>>>>  1);  }  bool IsValid 
>>>>> <>()
>>>>>  const { return buffer_ 
>>>>> <>.get
>>>>> <>();
>>>>>  }  // Appending empty data is not allowed.  unsigned Append 
>>>>> <>(const
>>>>>  char* data 
>>>>> <>,
>>>>>  unsigned length 
>>>>> <>);
>>>>>   // Returns the accumulated data as an ArrayBuffer instance. If needed,  
>>>>> // creates a new ArrayBuffer instance and copies contents from the 
>>>>> internal  // buffer to it. Otherwise, returns a RefPtr pointing to the 
>>>>> internal  // buffer.  scoped_refptr 
>>>>> <><ArrayBuffer
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  ToArrayBuffer 
>>>>> <>();
>>>>>   // Converts the accumulated data into a String using the default 
>>>>> encoding.  String 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  ToString 
>>>>> <>();
>>>>>   // Number of bytes currently accumulated.  unsigned ByteLength 
>>>>> <>()
>>>>>  const { return bytes_used_ 
>>>>> <>;
>>>>>  }  // Number of bytes allocated.  unsigned Capacity 
>>>>> <>()
>>>>>  const { return buffer_ 
>>>>> <>->
>>>>> <>ByteLength
>>>>> <>();
>>>>>  }  void ShrinkToFit 
>>>>> <>();
>>>>>   const void* Data 
>>>>> <>()
>>>>>  const { return buffer_ 
>>>>> <>->
>>>>> <>Data
>>>>> <>();
>>>>>  }  // If set to false, the capacity won't be expanded and when appended 
>>>>> data  // overflows, the overflowed part will be dropped.  void 
>>>>> SetVariableCapacity 
>>>>> <>(bool
>>>>>  value 
>>>>> <>)
>>>>>  { variable_capacity_ 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>  = value 
>>>>> <>;
>>>>>  } private:  // Expands the size of m_buffer to size + m_bytesUsed bytes. 
>>>>> Returns true  // iff successful. If reallocation is needed, copies only 
>>>>> data in  // [0, m_bytesUsed) range.  bool ExpandCapacity 
>>>>> <>(unsigned
>>>>>  size 
>>>>> <>);
>>>>>   unsigned bytes_used_ 
>>>>> <>;
>>>>>   bool variable_capacity_ 
>>>>> <>;
>>>>>   scoped_refptr 
>>>>> <><ArrayBuffer
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  buffer_ 
>>>>> <>;
>>>>> <>(ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>> <>);};}
>>>>>   // namespace WTF
>>>>> How can i understand the structure in memory of an arraybuffer and how 
>>>>> big is the data field which is pointed by this void pointerHow are they 
>>>>> represented in memory....How big is the data field ?
>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 22:19 dan Med <>
>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>> i already did that and btw it is under the WTF/webkit .
>>>>>> I'm interested how v8 handles javascript into every detail if u can
>>>>>> guide me...
>>>>>> Tell me which repository are being used by v8 on the related topic
>>>>>> that would help me really much.
>>>>>> By when it is called i mean, which javascript code will enable me to
>>>>>> call that funciton cause if u click u can't go any further than that,
>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 21:53 Jakob Kummerow <
>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 12:22 PM dan Med <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I don't quite see if this google group is useful or not, everybody
>>>>>>>> keeps answering me with superficial things,
>>>>>>> You said you wanted to read the compiler's source but couldn't find
>>>>>>> it, so I told you that it's in src/compiler/. If that was not the answer
>>>>>>> you wanted, then try asking a different question?
>>>>>>> Please also keep in mind that people's time is limited. The
>>>>>>> easier/quicker it is to answer your question, the more likely you are to
>>>>>>> get an answer.
>>>>>>> i don't care about the trminology like tell me which allocator it
>>>>>>>> uses when and why or at least if there's something i can read to
>>>>>>>> understand.....
>>>>>>>> I'm surprised u don't know what a JIT page is, basically if you
>>>>>>>> call a function foo() let's say 100 times then v8,had enough time to
>>>>>>>> understand the parameters given to that specific function and how to
>>>>>>>> optimize it efficently based on it's prediction/observation.
>>>>>>>> I'm not interested in the terminology of things, (that's just a
>>>>>>>> matter of reading the source code ) i'm more in reading how it works 
>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>> and why..
>>>>>>> It's great that you want to understand how things work. Terminology
>>>>>>> is an important aspect of that though, because it enables 
>>>>>>> communication. If
>>>>>>> we use different words for the same thing, we won't understand each 
>>>>>>> other.
>>>>>>> Based on your explanation, I'm guessing that by "JIT page" you mean
>>>>>>> "the strategy V8 uses to select functions for optimization". The core of
>>>>>>> that logic is in MarkCandidatesForOptimization in 
>>>>>>> src/
>>>>>>>> For example when is ArrayBufferBuilder::Append called ??
>>>>>>> I don't know; it's not part of V8. But you can use Code Search to
>>>>>>> find out where anything is called, just click the function in question 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> get a list of call sites:
>>>>>>>> And i thing i've looked at the entire v8 source code but didn't
>>>>>>>> find much, apart from the array.js file which describes some javascript
>>>>>>>> function, i don't understand where's the rest....
>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 20:45 Jakob Kummerow <
>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 8:54 AM dan Med <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Oh and one more thing, i've surfed perhaps the entire source code
>>>>>>>>>> of v8 at least the interesting parts, but what i came across was 
>>>>>>>>>> just very
>>>>>>>>>> short code execpt for some builtins written in javascript i believe, 
>>>>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>>>>> find all of the things i've found on the documentation such as the
>>>>>>>>>> interpreter
>>>>>>>>> src/interpreter/
>>>>>>>>>> and the JIT compilers,
>>>>>>>>> src/compiler/
>>>>>>>>>> one more thing i'd like to understand how the memory is handeled
>>>>>>>>>> like how can i read about the JIT pages,
>>>>>>>>> What's a JIT page?
>>>>>>>>>> or which memory allocator does v8 use
>>>>>>>>> It uses several allocation techniques for different purposes.
>>>>>>>>>> and it's garbage collector
>>>>>>>>> src/heap/
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you !
>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno dom 9 set 2018 alle ore 17:51 dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't have understood this part, let me explain it to you.
>>>>>>>>>>> This is how i get it tell me if i'm wrong at any part.
>>>>>>>>>>> I need to understand how is the structure in memory of the
>>>>>>>>>>> arraybuffer how is it represented and if the data of the array are 
>>>>>>>>>>> directly
>>>>>>>>>>> stored at an offset accessed by buffer_ -> data().
>>>>>>>>>>> before the call to expand capacity it does create an array
>>>>>>>>>>> the arraybuffer in src <>/
>>>>>>>>>>> third_party <>/
>>>>>>>>>>> blink <>/
>>>>>>>>>>> renderer
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> /platform
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> /wtf
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> /typed_arrays
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> /
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>  is
>>>>>>>>>>> called whenever the renderer  (has to execute some javascript which 
>>>>>>>>>>> defines
>>>>>>>>>>> arraybuffers)
>>>>>>>>>>> First when is arraybuffer::append  called, cause i know that if
>>>>>>>>>>> someone need to reallocate a bigger arraybuffer then a new instance 
>>>>>>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>>>>>> created and filled with the old values if the length in the 
>>>>>>>>>>> original array
>>>>>>>>>>> isn't has much as the user reqeusted ?
>>>>>>>>>>> One more thing is, when this class is called, the arraybuffer is
>>>>>>>>>>> always set to the initial length of static const int
>>>>>>>>>>> kDefaultBufferCapacity
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> = 32768; if in the javascript i declare an arraybuffer of
>>>>>>>>>>> 20bytes will it allocate of
>>>>>>>>>>> 32768bytes anyway =?
>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno mar 4 set 2018 alle ore 12:14 Graham Reeves <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> > is std::numeric_limits
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> <unsigned>::max
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>();
>>>>>>>>>>>> referring to the max unsigned int value ? cause the source code 
>>>>>>>>>>>> won't find
>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, that's the maximum value unsigned (an unsigned int) can
>>>>>>>>>>>> be, but what do you mean by, the source won't find it?
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 3 September 2018 19:55:48 UTC+1, dan Med wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can someone help me out?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno sab 1 set 2018 alle ore 15:30 <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in src
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>/third_party
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>/blink
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> renderer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /platform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /wtf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /typed_arrays
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ::Append
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  method
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be called through a view on top of the arraybuffer? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something like,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there's a arraybuffer of 30bytes in length and we define a view 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on top of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it (so a typedarray) wehn i call on the new typedarray object 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the .append
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method it will call ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ::Append
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and then inside it's code it will execute ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ::ExpandCapacity
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it needs to reallocate the array ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if so inside the expandCapacity definition bytes_used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  referes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the elements inside the actual arraybuffer so if i have a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arraybuffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is 8 bytes in length [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] and i fill 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in only 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bytes so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1][2][3][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] the bytes_used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retrieved will be set to 3 bytes ??
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ArrayBufferBuilder 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>::ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     : bytes_used_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>(0),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  variable_capacity_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>(true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  {  buffer_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ArrayBuffer 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>::
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>

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