I've already read that  guide and watched those videos, but i'm not
interested at a HIGH level definition, i wan't to see the hole picture
starting from the very buttom or at least at a low level....
In those presentation they just give the very top of the iceberg which
isn't really helpful

Il giorno mar 11 set 2018 alle ore 12:42 dan Med <litokis.ta...@gmail.com>
ha scritto:

> Ok so to answer the memory side i believe i should build v8 and then debug
> it and see the memory.....
> But another question arises, how is data/pointers or anything else
> represented in memory ? There should be i guide i hope ...
> Il giorno mar 11 set 2018 alle ore 12:41 dan Med <litokis.ta...@gmail.com>
> ha scritto:
>> So the location of the length regarding my allocation is base on which
>> algorithm v8 uses to find the free space it needs?
>> Anyway, i still don't get when arraybuffer::append will be called or can
>> be called ....
>> One more thing when i create a new instance let's say this example again:
>> Arraybuffer foo = new arraybuffer(10)
>> so an arraybuffer of CAPACITY will be allocated so static const int
>> kDefaultBufferCapacity
>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.cc?l=38&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.cc%2523YXDT7WTpXCAcuhdyTlkuCzsfCzI%25252BoHLRFAlkbCrkx4g%25253D&gsn=kDefaultBufferCapacity&ct=xref_usages>
>> = 32768;
>> 32768 bytes will be allocated but only 10 of those will be marked as
>> BYTE_USED hence i will only be able to access those with
>> a proper typedarray.
>> If i start reading the code on how v8 compiles i will have even more
>> questions, i think i need the low stuff, something like how does it create
>> the machine code that will be executed where will it be stored such and
>> such ...
>> Another developer replied to me that the basic structure of v8 is a loop
>> that reacts when certain events happen..
>> I'm really glad you're answering my questions !
>> Il giorno mar 11 set 2018 alle ore 12:32 @soylentgraham <
>> gra...@grahamreeves.com> ha scritto:
>>> Let's not confuse matters by adding Node into the mix! :)
>>> > by doing buffer_->Data() i'm accessing a defined length space
>>> somewhere in memory but on the heap since there's the new operator
>>> involded..
>>> It uses the new operator, but this can, and is, overloaded. (in v8). As
>>> I said above, it will use the memory allocator, which you can override with
>>> your own (the code I provided), so, it is most likely on a heap, but it may
>>> not. For your purposes, it is memory allocated SOMEWHERE, by SOMETHING.
>>> > and where data points to the length of that space is the same as the
>>> one declared for example as
>>> > Arraybuffer a = new arraybuffer(10) so data will point to a space in
>>> memory who's length is 10 bytes?
>>> As I keep saying, this MAY NOT be the case. It depends on many things.
>>> As you've seen from the code, an arraybuffer has a memory-allocation of
>>> size CAPACITY, and the number of bytes used is BYTES_USED (in this case,
>>> 10). The usage can grow and shrink, to save reallocation (which is
>>> traditionally an expensive thing)
>>> The most likely case, is that yes, it will probably point at some memory
>>> allocated by the allocator assigned to the isolate of 10 bytes. The only
>>> way you can verify that in your case is by debugging it, stepping into the
>>> code and seeing what it does.
>>> > So, what i'd like to understand is how v8 would compile a javascript
>>> "file" by that i mean how it would be
>>> > represented in memory which methods will be called and so on....
>>> This is quite different from the use of array buffers!
>>> This question is more about compiling. How the memory is laid out after
>>> compilation... is going to be a very difficult thing to delve into even for
>>> the engine developers (they may know there's lists of functions, scripts,
>>> but how it's laid out EXACTLY probably isn't of concern to them)
>>> If you want to learn more about how the script compiles, how the virtual
>>> machine executes, delve into this page, and the videos at the bottom (while
>>> they're from 2008, the fundamentals probably haven't changed that much)
>>> http://thibaultlaurens.github.io/javascript/2013/04/29/how-the-v8-engine-works/
>>> If you're interested in finding out how v8 compiles, and executes code,
>>> I would totally ignore the memory side of things and get a grasp on what
>>> it's doing at a high level, (ie. the theory) then low level (what gets
>>> stored, how things are found, and arranged) first.
>>> THEN you could browse the allocations and see WHERE everything is (I'm
>>> not sure what use this would be to anyone who is working with more than
>>> 50mb of ram though :)
>>> I would really encourage you to step through the code though! (find
>>> script::compile and just step through from there)
>>> This will make lots of things make sense! (because everything is named
>>> properly in the code :)
>>> On Tuesday, 11 September 2018 08:57:53 UTC+1, J Decker wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 12:44 AM dan Med <litoki...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> First of all, i'd like to say that for me the documentation is
>>>>> really..... useless from a real technical point of view.
>>>>> So, what i'd like to understand is how v8 would compile a javascript
>>>>> "file" by that i mean how it would be
>>>>> represented in memory which methods will be called and so on....
>>>>> (In the classes defined in the various v8 files, you don't get that
>>>>> sort of feeling about the memory allocator and such...
>>>>> i'd like to understand how to gather that knowledge.)
>>>>> Now, u said "kind of" for my question which was, when i allocate an
>>>>> arraybuffer in javascript will v8 call arraybufferbuilder ?
>>>>> But then one of my questions was how to invoke the append method?
>>>>> I know that if someone want's to expand an arraybuffer it will have to
>>>>> create another one and copy there those values...
>>>>> This is how i have a rough vision of the arraybuffer in memory:
>>>>> buffer ------------> [               DATA                     ]
>>>>> "simple pointer" "size of the bytes which i can manipulate with a
>>>>> typedarray"
>>>> There's really nothing special about the memory.... gets the size of a
>>>> file, allocates a buffer and reads the file into it.
>>>> https://github.com/d3x0r/sack.vfs/blob/master/src/vfs_module.cc#L479
>>>> size_t len = sack_vfs_size( file );
>>>> uint8_t *buf = NewArray( uint8_t, len );
>>>> sack_vfs_read( file, (char*)buf, len );
>>>> Local<Object> arrayBuffer = ArrayBuffer::New( isolate, buf, len );
>>>> where buf is allocated from some allocator V8 doesn't even know
>>>> about.... the next few lines of code wrap it in a weak persistent holder
>>>> that tracks when the object gets deleted to be able to delete the 'buf'
>>>> allocated...
>>>> https://github.com/d3x0r/sack.vfs/blob/master/src/vfs_module.cc#L447
>>>> (releaseBuffer)
>>>> You can find information about ArrayBuffer by searching for 'nodejs
>>>> addon arraybuffer'   Node is a handy platform for writing code that extends
>>>> V8; 99% of the code you will write is actually interfacing to V8 and not
>>>> Node.
>>>>> Il giorno mar 11 set 2018 alle ore 00:07 @soylentgraham <
>>>>> gra...@grahamreeves.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>> > When I talk about typedarray or anything else I referr to the
>>>>>> JavaScript side, so create an arraybuffer it will invoke that class in 
>>>>>> v8,
>>>>>> Kind of.
>>>>>> > then build a view or not it depends how do I make v8 to call the
>>>>>> append method ?
>>>>>> I don't understand this question.
>>>>>> An array buffer in javascript is fixed in length. You cannot make it
>>>>>> grow or shrink on the javascript side.
>>>>>> To do anything, you need a view, so the code knows how to manipulate
>>>>>> the raw bytes in the array buffer.
>>>>>> See javascript documentation on array buffers;
>>>>>> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer
>>>>>> You personally shouldn't TRY to make it call the append method. If it
>>>>>> needs to grow, it'll grow. Why do you think you need to? Back to previous
>>>>>> messages, what are you trying to achieve??
>>>>>> Gather your thoughts, and try and answer some of the questions I've
>>>>>> asked in previous emails; I asked them to help guide you so people can 
>>>>>> help
>>>>>> with your problem! (I'm still not exactly sure what you're trying to do)
>>>>>> On Monday, 10 September 2018 22:55:51 UTC+1, dan Med wrote:
>>>>>>> ATM I’m writing with my phone, here in EU is almost midnight so I
>>>>>>> will write u an email tomorrow fully detailed.
>>>>>>> Btw how do I call append ???
>>>>>>> I’m interested in how v8 works and manages JavaScript code that’s
>>>>>>> all.
>>>>>>> When I talk about typedarray or anything else I referr to the
>>>>>>> JavaScript side, so create an arraybuffer it will invoke that class in 
>>>>>>> v8,
>>>>>>> then build a view or not it depends how do I make v8 to call the append
>>>>>>> method ?
>>>>>>> On Mon, 10 Sep 2018 at 23:46, @soylentgraham <
>>>>>>> gra...@grahamreeves.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > First, how big is the data member of the object ?
>>>>>>>> As I said before. Capacity is the size of the memory allocated that
>>>>>>>> data points at.
>>>>>>>> > Is it as big as the actual array buffer length which I declare on
>>>>>>>> JavaScript
>>>>>>>> It will be either as big, or bigger. It can grow.
>>>>>>>> bytes_used will be the size that matches javascript.
>>>>>>>> > which I can build on top of it a typedarray ?
>>>>>>>> This is a slightly different question, (and needs clarifying)
>>>>>>>> When you create a typedarray in C++, it needs an array buffer.
>>>>>>>> When you create a typedarray in javascript, it will have an array
>>>>>>>> buffer behind it. (which you may or may not have created in javascript 
>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>> c++, there are several ways of approaching this)
>>>>>>>> > So, when a typedarray is build on top of an areaybuffer instance,
>>>>>>>> how do I get to call the arraybufferbuilder::append ?
>>>>>>>> Aha! a more specific question!
>>>>>>>> Are you trying to call arraybufferbuilder::append in javascript, or
>>>>>>>> c++?
>>>>>>>> Why? are you trying to make a typedarray bigger? (in javascript or
>>>>>>>> c++?)
>>>>>>>> I believe once created they're a fixed size in javascript.
>>>>>>>> I have a feeling on the c++ side, you can't change the size once
>>>>>>>> created (but I may be wrong, you have direct access to the buffer's
>>>>>>>> buffercontents via the bufferview...)
>>>>>>>> Can you make your question a lot more specific? post some code?
>>>>>>>> On Monday, 10 September 2018 22:38:16 UTC+1, dan Med wrote:
>>>>>>>>> First, how big is the data member of the object ? Is it as big as
>>>>>>>>> the actual array buffer length which I declare on JavaScript and 
>>>>>>>>> which I
>>>>>>>>> can build on top of it a typedarray ?
>>>>>>>>> No, I’m just trying to understand how v8 works, I know it is a big
>>>>>>>>> thing but at least how it moves then I might read the code and 
>>>>>>>>> understand,
>>>>>>>>> extra parts.
>>>>>>>>> So, when a typedarray is build on top of an areaybuffer instance,
>>>>>>>>> how do I get to call the arraybufferbuilder::append ?
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 10 Sep 2018 at 23:30, @soylentgraham <
>>>>>>>>> gra...@grahamreeves.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I'm guessing you may be a bit new to unmanaged-memory
>>>>>>>>>> languages/systems.
>>>>>>>>>> buffer is an object, (it's structure/layout will look a bit like
>>>>>>>>>> it's class declaration, but it's a little more complex than that) 
>>>>>>>>>> that was
>>>>>>>>>> allocated somewhere sometime, (you can figure out where, but really 
>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>> don't need to,  for this purpose it's just an object)
>>>>>>>>>> data is a member of that object, that points to some memory
>>>>>>>>>> (somewhere else, maybe allocated by a different system, in a 
>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>> place)
>>>>>>>>>> you have no idea (and you shouldn't need to know, or use the
>>>>>>>>>> information) the "offset" from the buffer-object to the data. They 
>>>>>>>>>> are not
>>>>>>>>>> necessarily related, or share the same memory space. (and in most 
>>>>>>>>>> cases,
>>>>>>>>>> they're not even real memory addresses, they're more like 
>>>>>>>>>> identifiers)
>>>>>>>>>> Simple Javascript scripts can look like C sometimes (a few
>>>>>>>>>> variables here and there, a few array creations), but underneath 
>>>>>>>>>> it's doing
>>>>>>>>>> a lot more moving things around.
>>>>>>>>>> function x()
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>  var a = new array(10);
>>>>>>>>>>  var b = new array(100);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> This may look like it allocates 2 arrays, but more than likely
>>>>>>>>>> it's doing something radically different with actual memory.
>>>>>>>>>> > so how can i see the memory management ?
>>>>>>>>>> As I said, you can't see the javascript side so easily (other
>>>>>>>>>> than using the v8 debugging/inspector tools)
>>>>>>>>>> But if you want to see the C-side memory (which MAY be where the
>>>>>>>>>> data that buffer points at came from) you can make your own 
>>>>>>>>>> allocator that
>>>>>>>>>> v8 can use.
>>>>>>>>>> If you then breakpoint each call, you'll know when V8 is
>>>>>>>>>> allocating some memory to use (which may or may not be a direct 
>>>>>>>>>> object in
>>>>>>>>>> javascript, an array or typed array in javascript may not directly 
>>>>>>>>>> allocate
>>>>>>>>>> here)
>>>>>>>>>> class TV8Allocator : public v8::ArrayBuffer::Allocator
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> public:
>>>>>>>>>> virtual void* Allocate(size_t length) override;
>>>>>>>>>> virtual void* AllocateUninitialized(size_t length) override;
>>>>>>>>>> virtual void Free(void* data, size_t length) override;
>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>> void* TV8Allocator::Allocate(size_t length)
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> auto* Bytes = new uint8_t[length];
>>>>>>>>>> for ( auto i=0; i<length; i++ )
>>>>>>>>>> Bytes[i] = 0;
>>>>>>>>>> return Bytes;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> void* TV8Allocator::AllocateUninitialized(size_t length)
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> auto* Bytes = new uint8_t[length];
>>>>>>>>>> return Bytes;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> void TV8Allocator::Free(void* data, size_t length)
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>> auto* data8 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data);
>>>>>>>>>> delete[] data8;
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> v8::Isolate::CreateParams create_params;
>>>>>>>>>> create_params.array_buffer_allocator = &mAllocator;
>>>>>>>>>> > Cause i saw the code but didn't find how it handles all the
>>>>>>>>>> possible javascript i might write into a script file....
>>>>>>>>>> Your computer most likely has more memory than you'll ever write
>>>>>>>>>> in a script :)
>>>>>>>>>> If you're trying to work out where your script goes...
>>>>>>>>>> arraybuffer isn't the right place.
>>>>>>>>>> Do you NEED to know? What exactly are you trying to achieve?
>>>>>>>>>> (take a step back from the code and describe what you're trying to 
>>>>>>>>>> do;
>>>>>>>>>> are you trying to make an app? learn how memory works in c++?
>>>>>>>>>> learn how memory is used in javascript? Why your app uses 1gb of 
>>>>>>>>>> memory?
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 10 September 2018 22:10:54 UTC+1, dan Med wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> How big is the offset from buffer to data ?
>>>>>>>>>>> const void* Data
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=80&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523b8F1aEDx%25252F6En%25252FkOKh2zVkvONjtDNg9gr5KG7gT9XeJk%25253D&gsn=Data&ct=xref_usages>()
>>>>>>>>>>> const { return buffer_
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=94&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=buffer_>
>>>>>>>>>>> ->
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/memory/scoped_refptr.h?l=218&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=-%3E>
>>>>>>>>>>> Data
>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer.h?l=225&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=Data>();
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> sorry for spamming emails, i will try to condensate more
>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 23:07 dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>> litoki...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cause i saw the code but didn't find how it handles all the
>>>>>>>>>>>> possible javascript i might write into a script file....
>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 23:06 dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>>> litoki...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But after using it for a little while, I have found v8 in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> general is pretty simple. It provides an interface to C functions 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory. This is kinda what it's for.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> so how can i see the memory management ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 23:06 dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> litoki...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, the hole length of this raw memory is set to be Data ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And to use it i should create a view on top of it like with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> typedarrays?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So to call arraybuffer::append i should first, try to make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the typed array bigger that action will call the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arraybuffer::append  ?  i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't ask how memcpy work, i didn't get the Data() thing, in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 22:55 @soylentgraham <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gra...@grahamreeves.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > How can i understand the structure in memory of an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > arraybuffer and how big is the data field which is pointed by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > this void pointerIt has no structure. It is just a series of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > linear bytes, raw memory, allocated by the memory allocator. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > (If you implement your own memory allocator you can catch 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > when this happens)It's just the data(buffer) for an array.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > How are they represented in memory....It IS memory. It's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > nothing more (it's an array of bytes)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > How big is the data field ?If by "field", you mean, the data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > buffer... it's Capacity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=76&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523kB%25252BJ1WxDvoDqf1c8Tz5Ol3yne4lD03cRpevK2LHMUZk%25253D&gsn=Capacity&ct=xref_usages>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >  (capacity is how much it can fit) in length. But not how 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > much is being used. (bytes_used)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you're curious about when memory grows, reallocates, is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> written to, accessed... it might be worth setting up your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> environment so you can debug it by stepping through the code as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it executes. You can watch memory, (this would show what memcpy 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> changes) see the values passed around, track when memory gets 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allocated etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your questions are a mix of very broad, ("How does v8 work") 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and very specific programming questions (what is memcpy() 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing)Broad questions are very hard to answer in general. ("How 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does a car work")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree, simply browsing the code doesn't give a good overview 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of say, how the javascript compiler works, or how memory is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> utilised. (How it is allocated is very simple, on the C/++ side 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it doesn't implement any memory management, and the array 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> buffer/view is a view of the C-side memory)But after using it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for a little while, I have found v8 in general is pretty 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simple. It provides an interface to C functions and memory. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is kinda what it's for.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But the point of v8 is that it does a lot of that for you. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't REALLY need to know how the memory is tracked on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> javascript side, it just works (if I'm using the API 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correctly)Then again, if you NEED to know how it works for a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific purpose (very restricted memory, fixing a bug), we can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> help you a lot more easily by answering a very specific 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> question. ("My car's low-oil light is blinking, where do I fill 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it up")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you're just curious as to how the entire v8 engine works... 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's a massive ask. A lot of people work on it, and there is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a lot of work and topics involved.Your best bet is reading the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (limited) documentation on the wiki, and read the blog posts 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://v8project.blogspot.com/ which go into quite a lot of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detail on each post topic.I've not seen any real general 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> overview (the wiki itself says it's out of date) so, stepping 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through all the code as it executes is probably your best bet.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, 10 September 2018 21:25:37 UTC+1, dan Med wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in this snippet for example
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namespace WTF 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=40&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%2523WTF%252523n%252523namespace&gsn=WTF&ct=xref_usages>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  {// A utility class to build an ArrayBuffer instance. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Validity must be checked// by isValid() before using an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance.class WTF_EXPORT 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/wtf_export.h?l=46&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=WTF_EXPORT>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ArrayBufferBuilder 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=44&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523ArrayBufferBuilder%25253AWTF%252523c%252523hTnYOn1mFcU%2Bkythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523NyhHD05MjDx8XOe1m%25252BLqXBLvqdjWPsLmDrRvvmR2Ywk%25253D&gsn=ArrayBufferBuilder&ct=xref_usages>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  final {  // Disallow copying since it's expensive and we 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't want code to do it by  // accident.  USING_FAST_MALLOC 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h?l=146&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=USING_FAST_MALLOC>(ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=44&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=ArrayBufferBuilder>);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public:  // Creates an ArrayBufferBuilder using the default 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> capacity.  ArrayBufferBuilder 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=51&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523me5JBk4wDIaIJCK86MiUpy%25252BnGYRZwEr0AvVg3KaU0pw%25253D&gsn=ArrayBufferBuilder&ct=xref_usages>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   ArrayBufferBuilder 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=53&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523VW0P45Tk9IGjtOqM%25252B9dHdJ64so3WDAfcY1jNBLt0GNY%25253D&gsn=ArrayBufferBuilder&ct=xref_usages>(unsigned
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  capacity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=53&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523trfcCH7BPCRWiubGq1QF9bypkCRNYtWGHb2AzglMces%25253D&gsn=capacity&ct=xref_usages>)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       : bytes_used_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=92&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=bytes_used_>(0),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  variable_capacity_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=93&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=variable_capacity_>(true)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  {    buffer_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=94&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=buffer_>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/memory/scoped_refptr.h?l=226&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=%3D>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ArrayBuffer 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer.h?l=42&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=ArrayBuffer>::Create
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer.h?l=125&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=Create>(capacity
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=53&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=capacity>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  1);  }  bool IsValid 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=58&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523Bx72YH%25252BiA4nF5ZIPsFhA9MQpdVCDOCRHSZa0Ksg6Wp4%25253D&gsn=IsValid&ct=xref_usages>()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  const { return buffer_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=94&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=buffer_>.get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/memory/scoped_refptr.h?l=211&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=get>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  }  // Appending empty data is not allowed.  unsigned Append 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=61&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523BHKR8BlIFhr03faCJF5mu7RDXZ%25252FPtZDAlnACyKmv1XM%25253D&gsn=Append&ct=xref_usages>(const
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  char* data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=61&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%25233VvJP%25252BUI3abzouA4%25252FYSBHt09pw3AiNI9e9QAJGooqYI%25253D&gsn=data&ct=xref_usages>,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  unsigned length 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=61&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523xOZXOK9mCrzsbUtqCxdbDuLg939IJhl7gbf0EykKwnY%25253D&gsn=length&ct=xref_usages>);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   // Returns the accumulated data as an ArrayBuffer instance. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If needed,  // creates a new ArrayBuffer instance and copies 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> contents from the internal  // buffer to it. Otherwise, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> returns a RefPtr pointing to the internal  // buffer.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scoped_refptr 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/memory/scoped_refptr.h?l=167&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=scoped_refptr><ArrayBuffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer.h?l=42&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=ArrayBuffer>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ToArrayBuffer 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=67&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523JX559OA9Zt0rALNU4DOTOkzcmtws4U5V42xhN0rrbow%25253D&gsn=ToArrayBuffer&ct=xref_usages>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   // Converts the accumulated data into a String using the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default encoding.  String 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h?l=64&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=String>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  ToString 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=70&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523VMCyw7t%25252FF0UIo65pz8LTbfX5k5G4pIXrUNQbDNKDjaE%25253D&gsn=ToString&ct=xref_usages>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   // Number of bytes currently accumulated.  unsigned 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ByteLength 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=73&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523P5Klo%25252BJeJiug%25252FrSAfsaHI8wAnW8h5UBg2%25252BoJByO85kA%25253D&gsn=ByteLength&ct=xref_usages>()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  const { return bytes_used_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=92&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=bytes_used_>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  }  // Number of bytes allocated.  unsigned Capacity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=76&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523kB%25252BJ1WxDvoDqf1c8Tz5Ol3yne4lD03cRpevK2LHMUZk%25253D&gsn=Capacity&ct=xref_usages>()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  const { return buffer_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=94&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=buffer_>->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/memory/scoped_refptr.h?l=218&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=-%3E>ByteLength
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer.h?l=249&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=ByteLength>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  }  void ShrinkToFit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=78&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523WBvAUuWtgva6ffSXIiEGEkt%25252FFFbeCcQcsCz5E%25252FHCKOo%25253D&gsn=ShrinkToFit&ct=xref_usages>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   const void* Data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=80&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523b8F1aEDx%25252F6En%25252FkOKh2zVkvONjtDNg9gr5KG7gT9XeJk%25253D&gsn=Data&ct=xref_usages>()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  const { return buffer_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=94&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=buffer_>->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/memory/scoped_refptr.h?l=218&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=-%3E>Data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer.h?l=225&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=Data>();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  }  // If set to false, the capacity won't be expanded and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when appended data  // overflows, the overflowed part will be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dropped.  void SetVariableCapacity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=84&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%25232ib6USbezkKcLs8hjPaCz4GUGrUHdD%25252BeN%25252FKenERnRLA%25253D&gsn=SetVariableCapacity&ct=xref_usages>(bool
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  value 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=84&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523vUjrriXMW5FurGjU87jcAlZRQs3b8JSgA4Tt1xrSq7I%25253D&gsn=value&ct=xref_usages>)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  { variable_capacity_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=93&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=variable_capacity_>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  = value 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=84&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=value>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  } private:  // Expands the size of m_buffer to size + 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m_bytesUsed bytes. Returns true  // iff successful. If 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reallocation is needed, copies only data in  // [0, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m_bytesUsed) range.  bool ExpandCapacity 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=90&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523szv9AYLlP3J7qhn%25252Fm%25252BJqzPmSgWf45%25252BRVwVxvXDk3WYQ%25253D&gsn=ExpandCapacity&ct=xref_usages>(unsigned
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  size 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=90&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523mXwymG5xtblCCeS4C9QcnmOwJxql8nYDr2HLqNZVJ8I%25253D&gsn=size&ct=xref_usages>);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   unsigned bytes_used_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=92&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523x95FyaH%25252BSeW1SF4BFhX9oIq7qgtHy3xzXCMmc37LcL8%25253D&gsn=bytes_used_&ct=xref_usages>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   bool variable_capacity_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=93&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523FKWGJXbcZ%25252BRuy6YD7uxQ765XV8Mhciv4FM%25252FF5B3bNvU%25253D&gsn=variable_capacity_&ct=xref_usages>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   scoped_refptr 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/memory/scoped_refptr.h?l=167&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=scoped_refptr><ArrayBuffer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer.h?l=42&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=ArrayBuffer>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  buffer_ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=94&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523aFDjYtlmS2tmLXL2XyJ158HoigBmsAdzguhOSb6XQIw%25253D&gsn=buffer_&ct=xref_usages>;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/macros.h?l=33&ct=xref_jump_to_def&gsn=DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN>(ArrayBufferBuilder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?l=96&gs=kythe%253A%252F%252Fchromium%253Flang%253Dc%25252B%25252B%253Fpath%253Dsrc%252Fthird_party%252Fblink%252Frenderer%252Fplatform%252Fwtf%252Ftyped_arrays%252Farray_buffer_builder.h%2523E6nSXqAY3ipexrHDKPfjzHqWqWIsAlT3EH3KVhT57GQ%25253D&gsn=ArrayBufferBuilder&ct=xref_usages>);};}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   // namespace WTF
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can i understand the structure in memory of an arraybuffer 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and how big is the data field which is pointed by this void 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointerHow are they represented in memory....How big is the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data field ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 22:19 dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> litoki...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i already did that and btw it is under the WTF/webkit .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm interested how v8 handles javascript into every detail
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if u can guide me...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tell me which repository are being used by v8 on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> related topic that would help me really much.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By when it is called i mean, which javascript code will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enable me to call that funciton cause if u click u can't go 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any further
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than that,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 21:53 Jakob Kummerow <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jkum...@chromium.org> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 12:22 PM dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> litoki...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't quite see if this google group is useful or not,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everybody keeps answering me with superficial things,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You said you wanted to read the compiler's source but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> couldn't find it, so I told you that it's in src/compiler/. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If that was not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the answer you wanted, then try asking a different question?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please also keep in mind that people's time is limited.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The easier/quicker it is to answer your question, the more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> likely you are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get an answer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i don't care about the trminology like tell me which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allocator it uses when and why or at least if there's 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something i can read
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to understand.....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm surprised u don't know what a JIT page is, basically
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you call a function foo() let's say 100 times then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> v8,had enough time to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the parameters given to that specific function 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and how to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> optimize it efficently based on it's prediction/observation.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not interested in the terminology of things, (that's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just a matter of reading the source code ) i'm more in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading how it works
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when and why..
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's great that you want to understand how things work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Terminology is an important aspect of that though, because 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it enables
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> communication. If we use different words for the same thing, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we won't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand each other.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Based on your explanation, I'm guessing that by "JIT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> page" you mean "the strategy V8 uses to select functions for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> optimization".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The core of that logic is in MarkCandidatesForOptimization in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> src/runtime-profiler.cc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For example when is ArrayBufferBuilder::Append called ??
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't know; it's not part of V8. But you can use Code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Search to find out where anything is called, just click the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> function in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> question to get a list of call sites:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/array_buffer_builder.h?q=ArrayBufferBuilder&sq=package:chromium&g=0&l=61
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And i thing i've looked at the entire v8 source code but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't find much, apart from the array.js file which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> describes some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> javascript function, i don't understand where's the rest....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno lun 10 set 2018 alle ore 20:45 Jakob Kummerow <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jkum...@chromium.org> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 9, 2018 at 8:54 AM dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> litoki...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh and one more thing, i've surfed perhaps the entire
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source code of v8 at least the interesting parts, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what i came across
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was just very short code execpt for some builtins written 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in javascript i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe, can't find all of the things i've found on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documentation such
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as the interpreter
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> src/interpreter/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the JIT compilers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> src/compiler/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one more thing i'd like to understand how the memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is handeled like how can i read about the JIT pages,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What's a JIT page?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or which memory allocator does v8 use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It uses several allocation techniques for different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purposes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it's garbage collector
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> src/heap/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno dom 9 set 2018 alle ore 17:51 dan Med <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> litoki...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't have understood this part, let me explain it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is how i get it tell me if i'm wrong at any part.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need to understand how is the structure in memory
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the arraybuffer how is it represented and if the data 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the array are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directly stored at an offset accessed by buffer_ -> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data().
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before the call to expand capacity it does create an
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> array
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the arraybuffer in src
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/>/third_party
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/>/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blink
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /renderer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /platform
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /wtf
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/typed_arrays/>

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