Hi Sorcerer Stone,

So the netstat output and the `docker container ls` helps us understand 
what is happening. So I'll repeat the details here.

a567856275d4        ohif/viewer:v1.x                 "pm2-runtime app.json"   2 
days ago          Up About a minute   3000/tcp                                  
948af342718c        jodogne/orthanc-plugins:latest   "Orthanc /etc/orthan…"   2 
days ago          Up About a minute   4242/tcp, 8042/tcp                        
003ba380169e        postgres:latest                  "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 
days ago          Up About a minute   5432/tcp                                  
701123a4caa7        mongo:latest                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 
days ago          Up About a minute   27017/tcp                                 
f00c419b32ba        nginx:latest                     "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   2 
days ago          Up About a minute>80/tcp,>443/tcp   nginx

You have 5 docker containers. And only nginx is doing port-forwarding. 
nginx is in fact a reverse proxy, meaning that most likely you're accessing 
nginx in order to contact all the other containers. Therefore, if you can 
access 9443 and 9080 from the VM then you're good (from the perspective of 
the VM).

So you'll notice that the docker container with image name 
jodogne/orthanc-plugins:latest is listening on port 4242 (but it's not 
forwarding port 4242!). I believe you're calling this container "AppDock" 
(and AppWin is running on the host). As you can see by the container, it is 
not forwarding the port. You should check the nginx container and see if it 
is proxying communication to AppDock. So basically, the host "AppWin" 
cannot reach docker container "AppDock" because how is it supposed to reach 

Basically, AppDock needs to do port-forwarding (so that the VM can reach 
the container) or AppWin should try to go through the reverse proxy, nginx, 
to reach the docker container service listening on port 4242.

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