Hello All,
My working environment:
Win10Pro with HyperV disabled, Vagrant, Virtualbox, then running docker 
I have 2 different opensource docker projects and each has its own 

I have no problem running each project individually in the above 

My goal is to have these 2 separate VMs to run concurrently and to exchange 
data between them.
To avoid ssh port collision, I have added the following port forwarding 
line to one of the project, let it call dockApp2 for now.
(the other project, I left it run with default vagrant setting aka port 22 
to port 2222)

config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 22, host: 2000, id: "ssh", 
auto_correct: true

Note:  Port 2000 is currently unused in my Host OS.

Then I issued "vagrant destroy" to this dockApp2.
Then I manually went into the directory for this dockApp2 (the directory 
where the vagrantfile is located) on my Window host and delete the .vagrant 

Then with the new port forwarding line in this vagrantfile for dockApp2, I 
ran vagrant up again.
However, I got an error. The error is "The name of your virtual machine 
couldn't be set because VirtualBox is reporting another VM with that name 
already exists."

How can this be? I have issued vagrant destroy. In addition, I issued this 
command to clear out all existing boxes after I issued vagrant destroy:

vagrant box list | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | xargs -L 1 vagrant box remove -f --all

I also manually deleted the .vagrant folder mentioned above. And in 
VirtualBox UI, this VM workspace disappeared after I ran "vagrant destroy". 

Can someone please advise what I have done wrong or forgotten to do and how 
do I rectify this error?

Thanks in advance.

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