Andre "Osku" Schmidt wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm a hobby coder having a lot of fun with vala and gtk (except
> treeview ;). and i'm now in the process off trying to create something
> useful with vala (more on that later).
> i was trying to adapt the GladeSample[0] to use Gtk.Builder (as i didn't
> found any examples of this), after a (long) while i got something that
> didn't give me any compile-time errors... but sadly i lack some general
> info about all this, to understand why the signal handler is not found.
> so, would be very helpful if someone could kick me in the right
> direction. attached is a test case how far i got.


perhaps you are missing the '--pkg gmodule-2.0' option.

I have added a simple GtkBuilder sample with signal auto-connection to
the wiki:


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