Andre "Osku" Schmidt wrote:
> so it seems:
> "FooBar" is "foo_bar_"

> and "foo_bar" is "foo_bar_"
> but what happens with "Foo_Bar" ? ;P
> (yes, it seems to follow this logic, it's "foo__bar_")

Yes, but these are uncommon class names anyway. If unsure one can always
look at the generated C code.

> and it seems i don't need that connect_signals method neither (as
> opposite to the glade example, where i copied and modified it from),
> yuhuu!

Yes, connect_signal_full is only needed if you want to customize the
signal connection process. But usually you don't need that.

> now i got a related question (as noob). what is mostly used for own
> signal handlers, inside or outside of my class ? i assume (with my
> little knowledge) the major difference would be scope-of-variables ?
> (i propably just use outside for starters, as then i dont have to write
> the class name in the gtkbuilder ui file ;P)

For small programs you can put them into the global namespace. But if
you have many callbacks you will end up with a polluted global
namespace. So you might want to organize them in classes. And for
non-trivial callback methods, if you wish to access instance methods in
order to modify the state of the surrounding object, the callbacks must
be instance methods.

> cheers
> Andre
> ps. and 1000x thanks for the added examples in!

You're welcome!

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