* Jiří Zárevúcky wrote, On 26/06/09 12:28:
> Ah, another one of the anti-mono guys. Sigh...

Ah, another one of those guys who sees anti-mono guys everywhere.

> Let me tell you, that from the sole principle of how Vala works, it
> will never be possible to convert C# code in a mechanistic fashion.

Of course it will, it just won't compile or run.

> You could maybe try creating some sort of automatic converter, which
> wouldn't work anyway, as it would result in a lot of bugs, inferior
> performance and (in better case) memory leaks. 

You could try this too. I think I'll wait to see if there is a need.

> Just the possibility of
> "Vala being able to compile C# code" is so ridiculous I wonder who
> came up with that.

I've never heard the idea suggested, and I didn't suggest it. It seems
you are the one who came up with it.

I wish you had read my message. In it I acknowledged some of these points.

I think you read the message you thought I had written.

But there will be some language features of C# which are not within the
vala philosphy or language direction but which might be supported and
thus making some migration easier; I merely suggest keeping an open eye
for these.

I don't expect any mechanistically converted C# to "compile and work"
with Vala, but it could be valid vala, with the parts that need
re-working annotated.

> Anyway. Why hating Mono? 

I don't hate mono (although I prefer Vala). I wrote a nice mono
application for controlling my USB experimenter board.

> Mono is a great software platform and people
> will use it no matter what MS-haters say about it. 

Good for them. (And me, I'm one of them).

> Get over it people.

Get over what? I don't understand your attitude in this response!

I merely advocated keeping a weather eye open in case we could help a
migration from mono. I don't advocate that we actually DO anything.


> 2009/6/26 Sam Liddicott <s...@liddicott.com>:
>> It may be prudent to keep a weather eye open for the removal of mono on
>> the horizon.
>> Vala is excellent, and I prefer it to mono; however it may become
>> pricelessly important that mono code can be converted to vala in a
>> mechanistic fashion.
>> I'm talking about language features, not library dependencies and linkages.
>> Sure, we don't want Vala spoiling by mono, and I'm not advocating the
>> vala be able to compile C# code; I'm not advocating anything specific...
>> ..just to keep a weather eye open...
>> [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/keep_a_weather_eye_open]
>> Sam
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