Raphael Bosshard wrote:
I'd rather like a possibility to automatically convert (or semi-convert, with manual fixes) C# code to Vala. There are some C#/Mono libraries out there (like Banshees ListView implementation) which provide a real benefit. Right now these libraries are only available to Mono applications. In some cases it would make sense to have a 'low level' implementation. It would be nice if they were available for the whole Gnome eco-system.
I hadn't considered how it would enrich gnome in general, but of course you are right, and this is one of the advantages of Vala.

The "on topic" results of the thread so far are:

  1. automatic language conversion of C#
     The code won't compile but the syntax would be valid.
         * Maybe Vala's parser could parse C# into a Vala AST which it
           could re-emit as vala code
         * Maybe some perl/python tool to fix up or highlight the
           various constructs
         * Maybe just conversion of the mono project files into an
           automake file
  2. vapi/vala re-writes of some common mono dependencies
     (This would also improve the gnome eco-system)
     If these can be made available to mono again, it would support a
     seamless bottom up migration
  3. Improve vala documentation (particularly to be useful for
     developers not familiar with gobject)
  4. Port Tomboy as a show-case project port

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