> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Matthias Berndt <matthias_ber...@gmx.de>
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 September 2016, 23:07
> Subject: Re: [Vala] The future of Vala

> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=615830
> It's just very tiring when one's efforts are ignored for weeks and the 
> general impression is that new

> developers are something the project doesn't give a tuppeny-cuss about…

Hmm, that seems a little unfair. You submitted the patch on the 08 Aug 2016 and 
it was reviewed on the 10 Aug 2016. Unfortunately your first version of the 
patch included a bug that the review identified.

> In addition to that, I also believe that Jürg's decision not to merge the 
> patch is misguided. 

> [Snip]

I would accept there is a communication failure of the Vala release cycle, but 
I think there is a far more favourable interpretation of the decision not to 
merge the patch at the current time. 

Vala is a GNOME core project and currently follows the GNOME release cycle. See 
https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointTwentyoneA hard code freeze started on the 12 
Sep 2016 and you will see Vala 0.33.1 was tagged on that day. Including a 
version of Vala with GNOME 3.22.0 that cannot build some packages just isn't 
going to happen. I would say that is why your patch wasn't merged at the time.

It may be possible to get it in for the GNOME 3.22.1 release, but that is an 
ongoing discussion on the particular bug.

BTW, thank you for your work on Vala. It looks like you have four patches in 
this next release. For anyone else who wants to see what Mattias's work has 
improved in the type system of Vala's internals see:



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