Hi all,

Yes, I made this thread a zombie thread ! I'm a powerfull elder magician !

I've read on HN (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13752770), in a
thread about Delphi, this :

> insertnickname 21 hours ago [-]
>      Note that Vala is apparently more or less dead.
>         pjmlp 21 hours ago [-]
>              Yep, GNOME seems to be adopting Rust, with librsvg and
GNOME Builder being the first places to spot it.

Do you have more informations about state of vala and rust ?



ps: original thread in HN "I miss Delphi" :
ps2: I've used Delphi 20 years ago ^___^

> Hey Al,
>> Hmm, that seems a little unfair. You submitted the patch on the 08 Aug
>> 2016 and it was reviewed on the 10 Aug 2016. Unfortunately your first
>> version of the patch included a bug that the review identified.
> Well, I fixed that bug within a day. Then it took another 12 days for Jürg
> to ask another question, which I responded to within 15 Minutes. Then it
> took another 3 weeks for Jürg to respond to that. Now, I totally
> sympathise with Jürg, most people don't have as much time to work on their
> leisure projects as they would like. But please put yourself in my shoes
> as somebody who's trying to get his feet wet hacking on the Vala compiler.
> I mean, this is not a rewrite-the-world patch, the actual patch is -12/+7
> lines. If that takes, say, six weeks to get merged, how long will it take
> to get a sufficient number of patches merged to build enough trust to get
> commit access? How long will it take to get a new feature merged, one that
> might be a couple hundred lines long or something? Again, I sympathise
> with Jürg and his lack of time. But nevertheless these long response times
> do not send the right signals to new compiler hackers.
>> I would accept there is a communication failure of the Vala release
>> cycle, but I think there is a far more favourable interpretation of the
>> decision not to merge the patch at the current time.
>> Vala is a GNOME core project and currently follows the GNOME release
>> cycle. See
>> https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointTwentyoneA hard code freeze started on
>> the 12 Sep 2016 and you will see Vala 0.33.1 was tagged on that day.
>> Including a version of Vala with GNOME 3.22.0 that cannot build some
>> packages just isn't going to happen. I would say that is why your patch
>> wasn't merged at the time.
> OK, I didn't understand that. I'm happy that it now looks as though the
> patch will be merged soonishly.
>> BTW, thank you for your work on Vala. It looks like you have four
>> patches in this next release. For anyone else who wants to see what
>> Mattias's work has improved in the type system of Vala's internals see:
>> https://git.gnome.org/browse/vala/log/?qt=author&q=matthias%20berndt
> Perhaps you're right, maybe I should just be happy about the two bugfixes
> I already got merged :-)
> Cheers,
> Matthias
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