> When running memcheck on a massive monolith embedded executable
> (237MB stripped, 1.8GiB unstripped), after I stop the executable under
> valgrind I see the "HEAP SUMMARY" but then valgrind dies before any leak
> reports are printed. The parent process sees that the return status of
> memcheck is that it was SIGKILLed (status returned in waitpid call is '9').

We found that removing a call to _exit(0) made it so that valgrind is no longer 

Any ideas why using _exit(0) may get rid of valgrind getting SIGKILLed?

Previously exit(0) was called, without the leading underscore, but changed it 
to _exit(0) to really make sure no memory was being deallocated. This worked 
well on a different process, so we carried it over to this one, that is why we 
did it.

Even with exit(0) (no underscore), in this process there is not much 
deallocation going on in exit handlers, so have lots of doubts that 
valgrind/memcheck was using too much memory and invoking the OOM killer.

Using strace and dmesg while we had _exit(0) in use didn't show that OOM killer 
was SIGKILLing valgrind.

I also tried reducing number of callers from 12 to 6 when using _exit(0), still 
got the SIGKILL.

Also tried using a system that had an additional 4GByte of memory, and also got 
the SIGKILL there.

So I have many doubts that Valgrind was getting SIGKILLed due to too much 
memory usage.

Don't know why removing _exit(0) got rid of the SIGKILL. Was wondering if 
anyone had any ideas?

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