On Fri, 2022-08-05 at 15:34 +0000, Bresalier, Rob (Nokia - US/Murray Hill) 
> > If finding memory leaks is the only goal (for instance, if you are 
> > satisfied that
> > memcheck has found all the overrun blocks, uninitialized reads, etc.) then
> > https://github.com/KDE/heaptrack  is the best tool.  
> Thanks! I didn't know about heaptrack. I will look definitely into that. Does 
> heaptrack
> also show  the 'still reachable' types of leaks that memcheck does?
> Any chance that the 'massif' tool would survive the OOM killer? This may be 
> easier for
> me to get going as I already have valgrind built.
> Is there anything that can be done with memcheck to make it consume less 
> memory?
You might be interested in looking at the slides of the FOSDEM presentation
  'Tuning Valgrind for your workload'

There are several things you can do to reduce memcheck memory usage.

Note also that you can also run leak search while your program runs,
either via memcheck client requests or from the shell, using vgdb.


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