Hello JD,

JD wrote:
> On the guest:
> # lsmod | grep -i vbox
> vboxadd                62772  0
> Sorry, I had not known about the module vboxvfs.
> So, I had to modprobe vboxvfs manually.
> The mount now works.
Could you try starting your VM without manually loading vboxsf and doing
# /etc/init.d/vboxadd start
to see if you get any unusual output?


Sun Microsystems GmbH        Michael Thayer
Werkstrasse 24               VirtualBox engineer
71384 Weinstadt, Germany     mailto:michael.tha...@sun.com

Sitz der Gesellschaft:
Sun Microsystems GmbH, Sonnenallee 1, 85551 Kirchheim-Heimstetten
Amtsgericht Muenchen: HRB 161028
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas Schroeder, Wolfgang Engels, Wolf Frenkel
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