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On Friday 04 September 2009 at 4:30 pm, Derek Mcdaniel penned
about "Re: [vbox-users] Bridge Networking"

> Hello Pablo,

Hi Derek,

Please do not top-post.  I typically do not respond to top-posters.

> If I set the Virtual machine up w/ DHCP I can get to the internet
> fine but NOT with Bridge Networking. Only with Host. Our gateway is
> a Linux Fedora proxy server that I set-up with DNS. It requires a
> DNS in order to get to the internet.

Do you typically add ACL's to the proxy server for whom to connect?
You'll need one for your VM.

Recall that when Briding is setup, your ethernet's MAC will have more
than one IP associated.

I'm assuming you're not getting a proxy username/password

What's the Host and Guest O/S?

Pablo Sanchez - Blueoak Database Engineering, Inc
Ph:    819.459.1926      Fax:   760.860.5225 (US)

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