I have been mulling over this for sometime. I still don't feel comfortable
putting the development versions into production; too many frequent changes
that might be necessary. So I am still with the stable version of vpopmail
with a working vconvert.
However, there is an interesting script in the source under "contrib"
directory called addusers.pl, that manually adds a list of users, one by
one, to a domain you specify. The catch is that it requires cleartext
passwords. Can "vadduser" work with encrypted passwords?
Another problem is how to backup a list of users with their passwords from
the MySQL db? I plan to use vconvert to create vpasswd files on a regular
basis, but how can one do that with the development vpopmail? Does anybody
have a (perl?) script that can read the db table and write out a neat
little vpasswd file? I think that it is do-able, but am too pressed with
other stuff.
At 09:56 AM 6/29/01 -0700, chris wrote:
>With the current version of vconvert "disabled," does anyone have a
>suggestion on how to import my current domains into mysql? I'm not
>currently using the replication feature which is -as I understand it- the
>reason vconvert is disabled right now. It doesn't currently support the
>replication freature that the rest of vpopmail does. I tried using an older
>version of vconvert, I believe it was 4.10.18. It loaded the domain info,
>but it seemed that the path to the domains dir was not imported correctly.
>Any ideas?
>Chris Bunnell