Hi all,

Some of you may recall my recent troubles/complaints with autorespond 
(which is required for the QmailAdmin package), and how I went about trying 
to solve it.  For what its worth, my efforts appear to have failed.  Let me 

I have had a number of complaints from a very large corporate client 
regarding delayed e-mails.  These complaints are getting steadily 
worse.  Some can be attributed to issues not related to the function of the 
mail server in question, but unfortunately most can.  To best explain what 
is happening, I am going to demonstrate how this situation comes about, 
step by step.

1.  High-powered corporate executive sends out many e-mails to many 
employees each day.  This executive follows company policy and CC's herself 
on every message she sends.  She also, like many in her company, makes use 
of the vacation/autoresponder function within QmailAdmin daily.

2.  Executive sends 5 e-mails one morning.  She notices that she receives 
only 3 of her CC'ed copies, and receives the others later (ranging from 1 
to 5 days, usually during the weekend [clue!]).  She receives complaints 
from others, who also use vacation/autoresponder [clue!].

3.  Diligent sysadmin checks logs .. delivering okay.  Sysadmin checks 
queue .. hmm, missing messages in queue.  Sysadmin -HUP's qmail-send and 
see's some messages delivered, sometimes, and sometimes none.  Sysadmin 
checks logs, and see's messages from autorespond saying too many messages 
received from user, delaying.

I hope you're still with me.

This is what I believe is happening:  The messages are being delivered, and 
auto-responses are being sent until the hard-coded limit of 3 messages in 
86400 minutes (1 day) from a single user are received.  Then autorespond 
does not send an response to the sender, and for some reason, the original 
message is NOT delivered and is re-queued for later.

That is not acceptable.

This problem occurred using an unmodified autorespond (2.03) and using my 
modified version of that program (which was supposed to pass the proper 
error codes to vdelivermail).  Has anyone else experienced this?

There are three ways I can approach solving this:

1.  Remove the vacation/autorespond option from my 
customers.  Unfortunately this is not an option.

2.  Modify QmailAdmin to increase the autorespond limits it creates within 
the users .qmail file.  I'm tempted to increase them 100 fold just to save 
some hassle, but this doesn't solve the overall issue.

3.  Work to fix this, even if it means modifying autorespond again.  And 
there is also the possibility that autoresponder isn't the entire problem, 
but vdelivermail as well (which explains why I'm posting this on the 
Vpopmail list).

So, without further ado, a little help?

-- Steve

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