
Thanks for the info although I believe that everything is configured
correctly.  I did notice something interesting though.  When I send mail
to the 8.0 server and watch the log file for the starting delivery
messages I see this:

@400000003e108cb13a39e81c new msg 196739
@400000003e108cb13a39ff8c info msg 196739: bytes 57171 from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 13176 uid 502
@400000003e108cb13ac7439c starting delivery 1: msg 196739 to local
@400000003e108cb13ac75b0c status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@400000003e108cb13b17b944 delivery 1: failure:
@400000003e108cb13b17d884 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

Notice where it says starting delivery 1: msg 196739 to local
[EMAIL PROTECTED] there is a _ attached to kelnet.net_.  This
would explain why qmail is not talking to vpopmail.  I am not sure why
this is happening because when I do the same thing on the 7.3 box, the
extra _ is not there and the correct virtual domain is found as shown

@400000003e1089a12edf07f4 new msg 58686
@400000003e1089a12edf234c info msg 58686: bytes 57192 from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 3843 uid 502
@400000003e1089a1342ae96c starting delivery 21: msg 58686 to local
@400000003e1089a1342b04c4 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
@400000003e1089a137502ddc delivery 21: success: did_0+0+1/
@400000003e1089a137504d1c status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
@400000003e1089a1375054ec end msg 58686

For grins, I recompiled qmail on the 7.3 box and installed the compiled
binaries on the 8.0 box but still have this problem.  My thoughts were
that the 7.3 box is using gcc 2.96 and the 8.0 box is using gcc 3.2.

Any thoughts or should I possibly defer to the qmail board or maybe
downgrade to 7.3 from 8.0 redhat?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Walsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 11:09 AM
To: Lapidus, Keith; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [vchkpw] qmail + vpopmail + mysql + Redhat 8


I have seen this problem one time in the past when I was setting up a
Free BSD machine.

I don't recall the specific details as to why it was doing this, just
that is was.

I think the problem is related to the configuration of qmail and
specifically the assign file. Make sure that your assign file references
the correct domain name and storage path...

The storage path for the domian is highly important as it is where qmail
looks for the .qmail-default that vdelivermail ends up running from...

Hope that helps.

Tom Walsh
Network Administrator

::-----Original Message-----
::From: Lapidus, Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
::Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 10:22 AM
::To: Tom Walsh; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Subject: RE: [vchkpw] qmail + vpopmail + mysql + Redhat 8
::I understand where you are coming from, and I have installed and
::reinstalled vpopmail many times on the 8.0 machine, and have tried
local ::commands to make sure vpopmail works and it does.  For some
reason, ::qmail is not using vpopmail.  Do you think this is actually a
qmail ::problem?
::-----Original Message-----
::From: Tom Walsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
::Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 9:59 AM
::To: Lapidus, Keith; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Subject: RE: [vchkpw] qmail + vpopmail + mysql + Redhat 8
::From the error message, you can determine that vpopmail is not being
run ::on that particular mailbox.
::failure: Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/
::Note the lack of vpopmail in that line... A typical vpopmail bounce
::(meaning that it got to the vdeliver application but when the look up
::went to the DB it didn't find it) will read:
::Check your vpopmail install on the RH 8.0 machine.
::Tom Walsh
::Network Administrator
::-----Original Message-----
::From: Lapidus, Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
::Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 9:45 AM
::Subject: FW: [vchkpw] qmail + vpopmail + mysql + Redhat 8
::Actually, vpopmail on the 8.0 box and is NFS exported to the 7.3 box.
::As for the user accounts, the mysql server is running on the 7.3 as a
::primary and is replicated on the 8.0 server.  In fact, I currently
have ::vpopmail setup to read from the 8.0 box mysql server and write to
the ::7.3 box mysql server.  That works just fine. -----Original
::From: Matt Darcy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
::Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 4:53 PM
::To: Lapidus, Keith; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Subject: RE: [vchkpw] qmail + vpopmail + mysql + Redhat 8
::-----Original Message-----
::From: Lapidus, Keith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
::Sent: 30 December 2002 06:50
::Subject: [vchkpw] qmail + vpopmail + mysql + Redhat 8
::I have two servers; one with Redhat 8 installed and one with redhat
7.3 ::installed. They both have mysql and qmail installed and configured
::identically. The redhat 7.3 server can send and receive email just
fine ::using vpopmail 5.2.1. When I configure the Redhat 8 server to be
the ::primary mailserver with vpopmail, always gives me the following
:: failure: Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)/
:: I've tried the newer version of vpopmail but have not gotten it to
::work. Has anyone else gotten qmail and vpopmail to work with Redhat 8?
::[Matt Darcy] Looks like your user accounts are on the 7.3 server and
::export the vpopmail database and import it on the 8.0 box and copy the
::domains from $VPOPMAILHOME/domains on the 7.3 machine to the 8.0
::Just a thought

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