Hi Neil,

> I am experiencing a strange problem and I have been told that it may be
> a known bug with vpopmail.  The environment is Qmail + Vpopmail +
> Courier-Imap + SquirrelMail.  Everything appears to be working fine (I
> can log in through Outlook client and SquirrelMail) until I switch to a
> new user (on the same box).  Once I do this, the original user can't log
> in anymore.

Did you compile Courier-IMAP with --without-authdaemon? If not, try to
do so. authdaemon isn't really compatible with vpopmail.

> I've also asked this question
> on the courier-imap list and they indicated it was a known vpopmail bug.

I don't know wheter it's a vpopmail bug or a Courier-IMAP bug. Simply
don't use authdaemon; it doesn't work.


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