Hi Jonathan

On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 01:27:21AM +1200, Jonathan Viney wrote:
> > Add the -S switch to your qmail-smtpd script and restart the servers.
> > 
> > You should now be running off the relay table in your database.
> > 
> > cheers
> > 
> > Shane
> > 
> Is it possible to use this patch in place of /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb for
> permanently allowed hosts? I had a look a while back and noticed it
> seemed to run on a timeout basis.
AFAIK yes, i submitted a patch for that, which i think Matt has added to
his patch. it works by having records in the database with NULL as
Timestamp, they will not get removed.

> Also, does anyone have an example of the sql table structure needed?
# Table structure for table `relay`

        ip_addr char(40) NOT NULL default '',
        timestamp char(12) default NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY  (ip_addr)

Hope it helps & greetz



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