Me again

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:48:57PM +0200, Flavio Curti wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 01:27:21AM +1200, Jonathan Viney wrote:
> > Is it possible to use this patch in place of /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb for
> > permanently allowed hosts? I had a look a while back and noticed it
> > seemed to run on a timeout basis.
> AFAIK yes, i submitted a patch for that, which i think Matt has added to
> his patch. it works by having records in the database with NULL as
> Timestamp, they will not get removed.
I just checked Matt's patch, and he indeed added that code. So it will
work. You cannot set ENV-vars though!

Hope it helps



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