On Monday 08 March 2004 12:00 pm, Don Walters wrote:
> >I'm no database expert, but you may need to "export" the database to
> >some "flat file" format from the old server, then "import" it into the
> >new one.
> Yeah, I've been reading about using "vconvert" to save the mysql database
> to cdb format and then import that back into the new server, running the
> conversion backwards... like so...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] # /home/vpopmail/bin/vconvert -m -c
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] # /home/vpopmail/bin/vconvert -c -m
> Problem is... I did the first command and I don't have any idea where the
> stuff was written to.   I tried looking for documentation on vconvert but
> the stuff on inter7.com's website is a joke!
> Take a look at their "man pages" for vconvert:
> http://www.inter7.com/vpopmail/doc/vconvert.html
> Can somebody tell me what all of the options are for vconvert?  What
> arguments will it take?  What do they do?  Where is the output written? 
> I'd love to use it if I just knew how!

Look in the domain directory. vconvert should create a vpasswd file.

Ken Jones

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